Dec 15, 2006 14:33
k finally an update!! My birthday was a blast! About 30 people rsvp-ed, but only about 15 actually came, it was cool though, it was hard enough trying to keep up with the ones that were there, how in the hell could I handle 30? apparanetly I was hilarious, danced with absolutely everyone, and told megan I was in love with her and wanted to go to san fransico to get married. LOL. Got drunk drunk drunk and of course wore the cute shoes, which were like 4 inch heels (boots though), and 4 inch heels plus me drunk does not mix well. i didn't exactly fall but I stumbled all fuckin night. I don't remember everything, only pieces, and what other people tell me happened. It was a great time though and I want to thank all of you who came out!! I love my friends!!
Yesterday me and Charlene went to PB. It's always funny the reaction we get when it's just us two. Then at the bar, this dude I swear he looked like a version on Napoleon Dynamite, had asked me to dance with him, and I politely declined, but at the same time, Charlene laughed in his face! She wasnt trying to be mean though! She though it was hilarious, she goes "is he serious right now?". she's so blunt but I love her! Goodtimes, anyways it was all around a fun night! k sorry I'm lacking lots of detail right now, I don't have the time! see ya!