the spelling bee champ is...

Nov 17, 2005 17:31

Today we had a spelling bee showdown at my work. It started out over a simple disagreement between Lauren and Alberto about how to spell tentative. Thats when Alberto challenged her to a duel! A spelling duel. I picked the words in 3 levels, level one, begginner level (amiable, bamboozle and crap I don't remember) level two, advanced level (sycophant, definitely, and debilitate) and level three intermediate (tourniquet, repitiore and again don't remember). And the lightning round was "scintillate". Alberto won so I generated him a winner's certificate complete with pen and highlighted personalized name engraving embodied by a crisp spiral notebook page. So that was how we closed the day.

We are hiring a new receptionist, so I have had to be on the phones until the interviewing is done and someone is hired. I guess my boss put an ad on craigslist, I am not sure if they put one in the paper, but I doubt it. Anyways me on phones, means me unable to make collection calls or the deposit. which means I can really only process orders and account research. But thats okay because it gives me more time to read. I bought Light on Snow yesterday by Anita Shreve. I love her novels. Already almost done, probably will finish up tomorrow. It's not as engrossing as Sea Glass was, but still good nonetheless.

I told Jacob to stop by Hollywood Video and rent Madagascar and Christmas with the Cranks before he comes home. I have so been looking forward to Madagascar I hope it is as good as I expect it to be.

Esmond is sleeping, the hosue is clean. I'm boiling potatos to make some mashed potatos. not sure how to cook the meat though. hmm.

Jacob got a fat bonus again. I am so proud of him, every time he goes to bonus meeting his sales are always up from the last time he went. His sales were up something like 22%. Thats good though, he's going to need all that money to buy his family Christmas presents since he is one out of 5. No last minute shopping like last year. We're both going to be off day after thanksgiving so we're going to the sales! I have asked around and it seems like the consensus says Macy's has the best sales. Anyone know of anywhere else? So anyhow, we'll probably hit up Macy's first, and try and get most of the presents there. I know I am going to get Esmond some more puzzles, but I was also thinking of an etch a sketch or that thing where there's a lightbulb inside and you put the black paper over it and punch in the different colored bulbs to make a picture. What the hell is that thing called!!?? Damn for the life of me I don't remember but I remember us having one when I was little. Anyways I know those both are both for a bit older kids, but I really think Esmond would love them. He's so creative, he loves drawing and painting and cars. But the last thing he needs is another fucken car. My favorite toy was my glowworm. I thought he was alive and took him everywhere and he was my best friend (think this was years 3-5).

oo shnapps esmond woke up. gotta go!

work, shopaholic, books

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