Because I'm too lazy to update properly........

Nov 16, 2009 00:27


YOUR LJ USERNAME: olivia_capulet

STORY BEHIND IT: In college, during a random discussion, my friend asked me if I would be a Montague or a Capulet given the choice. I said Capulet, because the Montagues seemed to be the most miserable of all of the RxJ chars. Later on, we talked about which girl's names we liked. My favourite was Olivia, hence Olivia Capulet.

YOUR JOURNAL NAME: Blue, Dressed In Black

STORY BEHIND IT: It's actually a very obscure reference to Yugioh. I was a huge fan of it in college [still am], when I made this journal and my favourite character in it was [still is] Seto Kaiba. Kaiba is voiced by Eric Stuart, who is also a musician. One of the albums he released was called 'Blue, Dressed in Black'. TOLD YOU IT WAS OBSCURE.

AGE: 20, almost 21 zomg

YOU ARE WEARING: Pjs and dressing gown [my peach one... I kinda feel like my red one makes me look like a failed hooker].


YOU'RE NOT SO MUCH LOOKING FORWARD TO: Class with Darry Gay. Teachers who try and be cool....y'know *yawn*

NAME A FRUIT: Strawberries 8D

meme., life, random

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