[031] Best Guess 1

Mar 21, 2009 21:03

[the sphere comes on showing only Oliver's face; it is dirty, he has a mild cut on his head, and he looks tired and is breathing hard; his surroundings are very dim]

I know some of you aren't going to be happy about this. Which is why I'm not broadcasting until now, but... [grabs the sphere, holding it out to show his surroundings; they are ( Read more... )

lara croft [ou], public, lyle dylandy [ou], cycle 2, haruhi suzumiya [au], verse: crucible, amaterasu [au], tenth doctor [ou], plot: endgame

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bit_impossible March 22 2009, 18:05:50 UTC
[oh, he's not happy to see you doing this, not one bit.] Oliver...


oliverplus March 22 2009, 18:08:09 UTC
[looks him in the eye; he's not going to feel bad about this] Doctor. How are you doing with that ship's controls?


bit_impossible March 22 2009, 20:30:06 UTC
[keeps staring at him] If I was doing well with them, you'd know about it by now.

Is this your way for getting back at me by doing something so incredibly stupid as what you're doing right now?


oliverplus March 22 2009, 20:50:34 UTC
I would never "get back at you." This is just about finding the commander and getting some people out of here.


bit_impossible March 22 2009, 20:54:41 UTC
How do you even know he's there at all, hmm? Or did you even think about how Orion got in the state he's in?!


oliverplus March 22 2009, 20:57:06 UTC
Right, because you really think we should just leave him like that if he is here.


bit_impossible March 22 2009, 21:07:27 UTC
Oh yeah sure, just leave the man whose been leading us on for weeks to die in a dead and derelict ship. [rolls his eyes]

What kind of man do you think I am? Of course I want to help him, but why didn't you think first?! But no, that's exactly what you do, just blunder in without a plan! Might even get yourself blown up or crushed again and you won't be coming back from that! Not this time.


oliverplus March 22 2009, 21:18:17 UTC
[is silent for a moment; he's rather shocked and a little hurt by that, actually; his voice is flat when he responds]

If you're that worried about it, just remember everyone's come back after 24 hours. So just keep tinkering with that ship while I systematically search the most accessible rooms for the man who can make it work. Not that I thought this through before I did it, of course. And I would've liked to ask for your advice first, but I knew I couldn't.


bit_impossible March 22 2009, 21:24:21 UTC
[now that hurts more than he'll let on. he keeps his voice calm and soft] Why'd you think you couldn't talk to me first?


oliverplus March 22 2009, 21:26:45 UTC
[frowns, losing a bit of his momentum, too] Because you would've tried to stop me.


bit_impossible March 22 2009, 21:52:50 UTC
I would. [won't hide that fact]

But you can't trust the 24 hour thing will always be in effect. The rules are always changing, you know that.


oliverplus March 22 2009, 21:56:40 UTC
But if I don't do anything, then the best we can hope for is another reset. There's nothing to lose at this point.


bit_impossible March 22 2009, 22:01:53 UTC
Nothing to-- What do you mean there's nothing to lose? There's always something to lose! You can't get something for nothing.


oliverplus March 22 2009, 22:03:35 UTC
Doctor, you know exactly what I mean. If somebody doesn't find that commander, then no one gets off this planet.


bit_impossible March 22 2009, 23:03:02 UTC
[sighs] But didn't you wonder how he got there in the first place? Someone's hurt him and he's spoke about a murderer.

[is beginning to sound worried now.] You could very well be walking into a trap yourself, Ollie.


oliverplus March 22 2009, 23:19:30 UTC
[frowns] I know. But I think it's worth the risk. I can't just sit around and let this happen, Doctor--not when I might be able to help.


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