Happy first month

Mar 11, 2014 22:23

Dear baby Jordan,

This is Mama's first letter to you and hopefully there will be many, many more to come.

It's been a month (and a bit) since we welcomed you into this world and our family.

You were so tiny and precious when you were born.

You are the splitting image of Sean as a baby (even I can hardly tell the difference). You have big round eyes (your left eye slightly smaller than your right) with single eyelids, a cute button nose, small ears, fuzzy black hair, peeling skin and skinny long fingers and toes.

You cried like a kitten during your first few days though over time, your cries have gotten much, much louder.

You make funny grunting noises when you are trying to poop (and it can go on for a long time). You let out this funny little sigh 'HAIIII!' when you are about to sneeze and can't quite get it out. It's hilarious.

It has actually been a surprisingly easy first month with you. No doubt it comes with experience but you are, by far, the easiest baby of the lot. (And I hope I am not speaking too soon!)

You have been nursing well. You lost a bit of weight when you were in hospital but you are plumping up nicely (especially your cheeks). I love to hold you upright so I can feel your chubby cheeks next to mine :)

We have spent many hours round the clock curled up together nursing. It is our special time together and I cherish it immensely.

You have had very minimal tummy issues (gas, reflux) or eczema outbreaks, unlike your brothers when they were newborns, so you are hardly fussy and that makes things a lot easier for me!

You had a mild bout of jaundice after you were discharged from the hospital. It gave your pupils and skin a yellow tint for a week or two. Grandma brought you out to sun every morning and by the third week, you were in the clear.

You have been sleeping amazingly well. You pretty much slept through the first two weeks of your life, only waking to feed every couple of hours (though I am not sure if it was the jaundice making you sleepy).

I could even put you down anywhere and you would just doze off by yourself. You even had to learn how to sleep with the din your brothers make - I am sorry that's how things are going to be during the day.

Now, few weeks in, you are spend more time awake and are more aware of your surroundings. You look at us when we look at you and sometimes, if you are in a good mood, you give us a silly gummy smile in return :)

Your brothers were not good sleepers so I really hope to nurture better sleeping habits with you. You sleep in a tight swaddle most of the time but I remove them when you are deep asleep at night to reduce your reliance on them (both your brothers were swaddled all the way to 3-4 months). I think we are off to a good start!

Like your brothers, you are a very strong baby. You could turn your head left and right on your first day and when we carry you upright, you can hold your big head up and are getting less bobble-headed everyday.

Your brothers have taken to your arrival remarkably well.

One day, I will tell you about the times when they used to kiss you when you were in my tummy, ask about you all the time and give you funny little names.

They (okay, just Sean) were quite upset to be ousted from 'Mama's room' to sleep in their own room but that was about it.

Sean refers to you as 'the new baby'. He has done the big brother thing once already so you are not all that exciting to him. He does like to play with you and makes funny faces at you sometimes.

Ryan calls you baby Jordan and is very affectionate with you. He is very curious about you. It is the sweetest thing watching him follow you everywhere asking to 'sayang' your head or carry you :)

The novelty has worn off somewhat but one thing is for sure, they have accepted you wholeheartedly into the fold and now, it is as if you have always been around.

I am so glad we made the decision to have you because we get to relive the precious baby moments and savour them one last time. I would like to think we are better parents third time around so you are lucky in that sense ;)

We have our hands (and hearts) very full with the three of you but would never exchange our days for the world, however tiring or heavy our eyebags are right now.

This, my baby boy, is the start of a beautiful relationship. We love you so much, little one.

Much love,


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