Sydney Day 5 - Sydney Fish Market and Manly

Dec 12, 2012 17:31

It was our last day in the city.

We were quite torn about leaving so soon because there were quite a number of places we wanted to visit but just did not have enough time. We had not even done any shopping - now that has to be some sort of record for me ;)

So Foops and I decided to choose one place each to visit on our last day. Our first destination was the Sydney Fish Market (Foops' choice). We took a nice little stroll from our hotel to Chinatown to take the tram.

Along the way, I stopped to buy a Viet baguette from a small shop for breakfast. I love me a good banh mi (I am a big fan of Vietnamese food) - and this was the best one I had ever had! The bread was light and crispy and the oven-roasted seasoned pork belly and cold cuts filling really hit the spot. Mmmm, SO GOOD I am still thinking of it today...

Foops the carnivore had a steak pie and coffee from the famous Harry's Café de Wheels. I snuck a bite and didn’t think it was that spectacular. But then again, I am not really a fan of meat pies!

Tummies filled, we boarded the tram to Sydney Fish Market. Once there, we walked around for a bit checking out the fresh seafood retail market. The platters of fresh sashimi, oysters and sashimi prawns were enough to make me salivate. I really wished I could freeze and bring home some of the seafood home but didn't think they would last the 7-hour flight ;)

We eventually ventured to the food hall to satiate our sashimi cravings. While Foops placed our orders at Peter's, I brought the boys out to the fishing port out front for a walk. I was there in 2002 and it looked like nothing much has changed. Sean was terrified of walking on the wooden slats of the bridge - so funny coz I could remember my sis Cher screeching the same way when she was young! We wanted to eat outdoors and were quite disappointed when it started to drizzle.

We tucked into a big spread of sashimi and fresh oysters and took turns to feed the boys. Burp, what a hearty brunch!

Then, we took the tram to Circular Quay to board the ferry to Manly (my choice of destination). It was a rather chilly day to be out at sea. We snapped some crazy pics with our hair flying all over the place and Ry turning a bit blue from the cold and quickly scurried back to the nice, warm cabin for the rest of the ride.

Manly is a popular suburb in Northern Sydney most notable for its beaches. From the wharf, we walked to a long stretch of mall called The Corso. Ry fell asleep in the carrier and it was drizzling lightly so we thought we would wait the rain out and do some shopping. Foops was nice enough to take the boys to a sheltered playground while I shopped. Gave up when I couldn't find any swimsuit that I liked (or rather looked half-decent in).

When the skies cleared up, we packed some fish and chips to eat at the beach. We had a hard time eating, feed the kids at the same time and trying to fend off the greedy seagulls all at the same time.

The beach is nowhere as beautiful or busy as Bondi Beach but there is a nice homely feel to it. It was a gorgeous day out. The kids had a nice time chasing seagulls and playing in the soft, cool sand - Sean was sweet enough to make a 'birthday cake' for Didi and taught him how to blow his candle out.

I remember thinking to myself: If our holiday had to end right there, I would have been fully contented :)

We took the ferry back around 4pm. We had to rush back to the hotel because we forgot to pack extra diapers for Ry!

Later in the evening, we ventured to Chinatown for dinner. Not the smartest idea coz it started to pour cats and dogs once we were out! ACK, it was madness navigating the streets and trying to make sure the kids didn't get wet! But we did manage to buy some abalone, nougats and macadamia nuts to bring home and have a rather forgettable dinner in a dodgy little Chinese restaurant.

We returned to the apartment early. The boys had a last bubble bath hurrah while I packed all our things and got ready for our road trip the next day.

Sean was quite upset when we told him we were leaving to go to the Blue Mountains the next day. See, he LOVED the apartment and had this silly misconception that it (yes, the apartment) was Australia. When we were out, he would bug us to 'go back to Australia.' So when we told him we were leaving, he was inconsolable. It was only when I told him we were going to another place with a big bed and a tub that he stopped crying. 'Are we going to another Australia?' he asked tearfully. Yes, I assured him. Funny kid.

Bye Sydney, thanks for a wonderful few days! Next up, Blue Mountains!

Read about our previous days here: Day 1, 2, 3 and 4.

travel, sydney

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