Last stretch: 35 weeks!

Jan 16, 2012 20:49

It is a bit unbelievable that I am 35 weeks along and will probably meet Baby #2 some time within the next month!

I had Sean at 39.5 weeks and am hoping Baby #2 will arrive around that time too and not any earlier because we are not at all ready for him yet!

Baby bump at 34 weeks

How is baby growing?

We now visit Dr T every fortnightly and at last weekend's visit, Baby #2 has grown quite a bit.

He is 2.4kg at 34 weeks (he was 1.5kg at 31 weeks) and pretty much on track to be around Sean's weight of 3+kg at birth.

He is every bit as active as I remember Sean to be and there is definitely a lot less room for him to move around nowadays. He kicks so hard sometimes it makes me double up in shock. I think I am going to have two very active boys in my hands soon!

At our visit last weekend, I was very happy to find out that he was engaged, head-down and with his spine on my left and feet towards my right, essentially the most ideal position for birth (though our gynae did warn that his position may change any time).

I am hoping to do a VBAC this time round and have been doing lots of reading up and hip-opening and polar bear-cat-cow type of yoga poses on the side to facilitate a smooth delivery. Will share more after Baby #2 is born.

How is the pregnancy progressing?

Everyone gives me a wide berth when I am approaching and eyes my belly very warily like I am about to pop any time.

But the truth is, I haven't put on as much weight this pregnancy - 10kg so far (16kg for my first pregnancy) - and definitely don't feel as bloated as I did with Sean!

My mum and sisters have all remarked I am noticeably 'smaller' with this pregnancy. With Sean, I remember I was really fat all over with swollen fingers and feet, even from very early on (20 weeks). My wedding band was so embarrassingly stuck on my ring finger I could only remove it after Sean was born!

Also have not experienced that dull numb feeling (carpal tunnel syndrome) in my hands which I had throughout my first pregnancy. It actually feels pretty good to be quite normal-ish this time around!

My belly has been tightening up every now and then and I have been getting a bit of that labour contraction feeling. Nothing regular or terribly painful, so I suppose they are Braxton Hicks contractions.

It's been quite fun scaring the husband out of the blue with a casual, 'Honey, I think I am having a contraction right now!', and watching the blood drain from his face. Suppose it won't be as funny when the real ones hit ;)

The worst of my lower back pains are over, or at least they have not recurred in a few weeks. The pain got really bad at one point (around 29-30 weeks) the husband grew so tired of my middle-of-the-night whining that he hauled me to see a chiropractor.

I spent an hour with her massaging me all over, twisting my limbs and turning me this way and that.

She made a few very important observations which explained why I was feeling so much pain on my lower left back: I have a very tight/inflexible left hip and I have a natural tendency to exert more strength or put more weight on my left side. Plus it didn't help that the baby was probably lying/pressing on some nerve on my left side.

She recommended a few simple exercises to relieve the pressure on my left side and open up my hip to give the baby more space to move around.

I had my doubts but the session turned out to be highly effective. Now I am lot more conscious of my posture, laid off carrying heavy things (i.e. Sean), diligently did my exercises and my back pains miraculously just went away after that!

Amazing, would highly recommend her if you experience chronic back pains!

Preparing for baby

We are still keeping busy packing and preparing for our move to our new place in 2 weeks. There has been a bit of a delay with the reno schedule and yeah, I know we are cutting it really close, aren't we?!

Things are a bit crazy at the moment but the husband and my mum have been angels in trying to lessen my load and not stress me out too much.

Sean has nicely settled into the school routine now so that's one less thing I have to worry about!

I have finally reconciled with the fact that I can't be a superhero multi-tasking mum even if I wanted to, so we have just gotten a new helper to help us with general housekeeping around the house and with Sean after Baby #2 comes. Hope that goes smoothly.

Phew, I really can’t wait to move and settle into our new place so I can finally sit back and RELAX!

family, pregnancy

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