My intrepid love for bookstores

Nov 05, 2008 10:32

Last night, whilst wandering mindlessly through the maze of generic stores in one of the many swanky malls in the heart of the city, I came across across a charming little bookstore with an almost obscure, non-descript shopfront that most people I know would just pass by without as much as a glance.

Not really expecting much, I walked in and ooh, I ended up spending ages in there contentedly wrapped up in my own little world.

The shop has a great offering - there was a little bit of everything - which appealed greatly to the bookish nerd and stationery freak in me. Without quite noticing the hours rolling by, I pored over their decidedly quirky and unusual selection of books, thumbed through their gorgeous moleskin notepads and got many great gift ideas for friends and family.

Ah, it was like the ultimate geek fantasy escape for me.

A quiet, uneventful evening, but I had the most delightful time by myself. I went away with a few lovingly-selected items and a pretty good feeling I will be back again.

I love it when that happens when one travels, when you go a-wandering and stumble across rare hidden gems that make your heart flutter. I have always subscribed the the belief that there are always beauty and treasures to be found wherever you are - sometimes you just have to look a little harder :)

[I think I really should go check out Books Actually in Singapore soon - I can't believe I haven't been there yet!]

Gorgeous pic above is of a Parisian second-hand bookstore, ganked from the web.

travel, books

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