I feel like chicken tonight

Nov 04, 2008 10:28

The part I don't like so much about travelling in a foreign city for work is having to spend the nights ALONE.

The downpour yesterday evening practically paralysed the whole city forcing traffic to come to a standstill. That inevitably meant we couldn't wander about anywhere so I was quite happily resigned to a quiet night in.

Snuggled up in my fortress of pillows by the dim glow of my bedside lamp with Stephanie Meyer's Twilight*. A dark, gripping tale of star-crossed lovers and blood-lusty vampires, the writing is crisp and the story so far excellent - it would make a brilliant movie adaptation, methinks.

Though, on hindsight, this is probably not the best book to read when you are facing many solitary nights ahead coz...

It freaked me out so!

I swear every unidentified bump or creak in the still of the night made me jump out of my skin and every lurking shadow in the great expanse of my fancy schmancy room sent cold shivers down my spine. The ominous rumbling of thunder outside only served to make me whimper and burrow deeper under the covers.

I was petrified yet I couldn't stop reading... argh, I scared myself stiff!!!

Now that morning's here and it's all sunny and cheery outside, I suddenly feel quite silly and embarrassed about my cowardice last night :p

*PS. I'm not done with the book yet - please don't spoil it for me!

travel, books

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