Porcupine Tree 5/23/07 at the Electric Factory

May 24, 2007 17:06

This isn't really a concert review, more of what the night was like for me. Basically to start for those out there who are interested, I am AWFUL with song titles, and that's partly to blame cause I listen to PT the most on B's ipod and don't pay much attention to song titles..I know I know..what kind of fan am I!

I left work at 3pm to allow enough time to stop at CVS and buy earplugs and make up some dinner. B arrived home by 4 and we ate, and were out the door by 5. It was a good drive there, only one brief slowdown. Took a little over an hour and we arrived at The Electric Factory..and that it is..an old factory that's been coverted to a concert hall.
Once inside we headed upstairs to the balcony/bar area and found stools right at the edge! score! It gave us a great head on view of the stage and we wouldn't have to stand all night. We talked a bunch with the guy next to us which was nice about prog, etc.
The opening band was simply called "3." I guess the best way to describe them is hard rock with some metal, but at times acoustic sounding too. One of their songs really got good audience response and we liked it, the rest was just okay., but the seemed like a young band with potential. A decent opener.
Porcupine Tree came out shortly after that..and again I'll say, I suck with song titles!! They opened with a new song and throughout the night played to us their entire new album "Fear of a Blank Planet." The long song from the new album,..I think it was called "Anestitized" was awesome..very heavy and dark, as was much of the new stuff. I don't have the new album yet but will pick up very shortly!! It all has to sink in but I really enjoyed what I heard.
They also played Lightbulb Sun material, "Blackest Eyes" from Inabsentia as well as other older tunes..which I know but don't know titles..see my theme here, hehe.
There was more older material than I was expecting and that was a big surprise. The artistic imagery projected on the screens was very dark and well done indeed. I notice also Steve Wilson doesn't wear shoes when performing. Overall, we had a blast and the band put on an amazing show that I will not forget.
Thankgoodness we had the earplugs though, cause as I was told, The Electric Factory is a concrete box!!
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