Lose Your Mind

Jul 24, 2012 14:32

Title: Lose Your Mind
Author: Oldsmobile_98
Rating: R
Genre and/or Pairing: Kanima/Stiles; Derek/Stiles
Spoilers: Season 2
Warnings: Attempted non-con
Word Count: 1097
Summary: Request on by a visitor on my tumblr.  The second Kanima is revealed and the master had plans for Stiles.
Disclaimer: Teen Wolf is the property of Jeff Davis and MTV.

Stiles struggle to shove the Kanima off of him as the creature’s scales began to recede.  Harris jumped off the teen when he became aware of the slender body underneath him.

“You need to leave.”  Harris ordered the cowering teen.  Stiles huddles against the wall waiting for the man to attack again.  “Now Stilinski!  I don’t know how long I can hold of his orders.”

“Who’s orders?  Who’s controlling Jackson and you?”

“I don’t know.”  Harris forced out, he dug his human nails into his skin hoping to distract from the whispers in the back of his mind.  “He wants me to…to…harm you.”  Stiles stared at his teacher and begins inching toward the door.

“What do you mean harm?  What does he want from me?”  Harris began feeling his scales push through his skin.

“He wants me to rape you.  Now run.”  Harris roared at his student.  Stiles slammed into the doors in an effort to escape the shapeshifter.

Derek goes to the school finding Stiles jeep in the parking lot.  The werewolf jerks his head up when he hears a familiar roar/hiss coming from inside the building.  Derek rushes to the doors to find them padlocked.  After breaking the chains and stepping inside he listens for the Kanima …and hears Stiles heartbeat.  Alpha rushes to the locker rooms where he can hear the heartbeat picking up speed.

Stiles hits the stone wall when Harris strikes him.  Grabbing one of the lacrosse sticks left on the floor he swings it at the creature’s head allowing Stiles a little room to get past.  Before he can get far the Kanima pins him face down to the floor, its weight baring down on him.

A sharp cry scares Derek as he slams into the basement doors and skids around the corner.  He freezes at the end of the hallway seeing Stiles trapped underneath the Large Kanima, his red hoodie laying in strips around the pair.  Derek roars in rage. One of his pack is being attacked.  The lizard looked up keeping its body pressed against the struggling teen.  Distract as it was, Stiles managed to grab something and elbowed the creatures neck, twisting his hips to he can follow that hit with a brick to its head.  The Kanima rears back in rage allowing Derek to tackle the creature away from Stiles.

The alpha latches his teeth on the creature’s neck, breaking through the scales and tearing into the jugular.  His claws are buried into the Kanima’s stomach ripping into the soft flesh.  Derek shoves the creature away from him and watches it twitch and start to shift back to its human side.  Stiles leans against the wall with his shoulder, holding his stomach so he could curl in on himself.

“Derek.” He whispers breaking the red haze around the werewolf’s thoughts.  Derek approaches Stiles gently remembering how the teen had been pinned, and how the creature had thrust its hips as a threat.  The werewolf wrapped an arm around the teen’s shoulder bringing him to rest against Derek rather than the wall.  “Is he dead?”  Stiles asks refusing to look at his chemistry teacher.

“No, we need to leave.”  Stiles didn’t protest Derek leading him out of the school.  At the cars, Stiles started to twitch.

“I don’t think I can drive.”  He admits to Derek who hums softly already leading the teen past the blue jeep and into his Camaro.

“We’re going to Deaton’s first; he has the supplies to bandage you up.”

“Alright” Stiles found Derek’s jacket on the floor board and wrapped the soft leather around him tucking his nose into the collar.  When they arrived at the vet’s office, Stiles was dozing in the passenger seat.  Derek let the teen sleep and lifted him out of the car.  Deaton met the two at the door, his expression worried.

“The Kanima.”  Derek informs him.  “Another one.”  Deaton nodded as he watched Derek set the teen on the chair in the examination room.  The alpha slipped his jacket from Stiles gripped revealing the various scratches from earlier.  Deaton cut off the rest of the torn up hoodie and the shirt underneath the hoodie.  Stiles shivered when the scratches were exposed.

“Most of these do no look that bad considering the Kanima’s other victims.”  Deaton gathered the suture kit and antiseptics while Derek pulled Stiles’ jeans off.

“I’m not worried about the physical effect.”

“What?”  Deaton waved for Derek to elaborate as he started cleaning the scratches.

“The Kanima…”  Derek seemed to struggle finding the words.  “The Kanima was planning on mounting him.”  He forced out.  “I came upon him trying to get through Stiles’ clothes.”  Deaton said nothing letting the werewolf calm down and finish explaining.  “Stiles had been the one to push the Kanima off of him, but I don’t know how long it chased him through the school.”

“Derek,” Deaton said.  “He’ll be alright.  Stiles is a strong person and you were not late.”  Derek gave a scoffing laugh, doubting the vet’s words.  The two men worked on cleaning and stitching up the teen’s wounds being careful not to awaken him.

“Derek?”  Stiles mumbled into the werewolf’s arm when he held the teen in place as Deaton prepared to pop in the dislocated shoulder.

“You’re alright.”  Derek whispered back.  “This is going to hurt, but then we’re done patching you up.”  Stiles looked up at the Alpha, his eyes are calm.  He gave a tiny nod; the signal for Deaton to push the shoulder into place.  The werewolf wrapped an arm around the teen’s waist as soon as the vet pulled away.  He hugged Stiles as tightly as he dared.

“He’ll need to rest.  I’ll set up the cot in the back room.”  Deaton left the examination room leaving the two younger men to comfort each other.  Derek sat on the table particular pulling the teen into his lap.

“I’m sorry,” he chanted over and over.  His hands were running along Stiles’ back.  “I’m so sorry, Stiles.”

“Not your fault.”  Stiles closed his eyes and let Derek hold him.  He really liked the soft touches, they were reassuring to him.  “None of us had an idea there were two of them.  Or that…the master would…you know.”  Stiles kept swallowing; his mouth was too dry and his eyes too wet.  “I mean who thinks it’s okay to control someone then order them to…”

“I don’t know.”  Derek replied.  The werewolf tucked Stiles’ face into his neck and nuzzled the teen’s shorn head.  “We’ll take care of them.”

“Promise?”  Stiles whispered.  Derek closed his eyes.


derek/stiles, teen wolf, fanfiction, preslash

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