Mice, Hamsters

Dec 18, 2013 16:22

In the last few weeks I've had dreams about mice with babies and hamsters with same. The mice were on a picnic blanket and Middle Bro was there. It reminds me of Faith's dream about the Mayor in Buffy. She is in a coma dreaming and she dreams the Mayor is a father figure and taking care of her, providing her with weapon or something, to fight Buffy.

This dream is so scary to me. I feel it is related to security, what the blanket represents. Rodents eat away at things. The tone of the dream was not really scary, it is just the implication...and the brother who doesn't like me. Who thinks bad things about me.

And I was going through all kinds of hell and I can't describe it. I ended up with Psalm 145. I was not able to find anything too positive about my relationship with middle brother. And on the other hand I keep feeling I am in the wrong.

There were dying baby mice in the blanket dream, so maybe my attempts to forgive him are paying off. I am not as angry any more, so I am not stealing so much.  There was a tiny mouse, a foetal one like a kidney bean.

Also there were baby hamsters in the pantry in the second dream. The mice were light gray, the hamsters multi: black, rust and white. And this time there were definitely some dead ones. Then it went to them getting covered over by some machines, like the mixer that Martha accidentally wore out after years of use.

I feel these dreams are about my anxieties about not changing enough. About not being able to support myself. Or seemingly not able, I am doing the best I can.


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