These past few days have been nothing but good, aside from one bittersweet mistep. James got laid off from his job at Entrepeneur, but he has been hoping for a change anyhow and I wish him nothing but the best for his future. While I'm sad that he's without work for the moment, I'm glad to see him leave a job that he absolutely loathed. This will give him the time and the ability to find something new, that's more worthwile his talents.
In the past four days though I have been fortunate enough to see Wilco twice. Wilco is a band, that for me, will always be among the best group of musicians to ever walk on this planet. Tonight's show was fantastic, but nothing will compare to Saturday night's show. The main reason for that is that I got to see them with one of my favorite people ever, Dragon Mahoney.
I won't lie to you. When I saw them on Saturday I did cry. It was during the song "Misunderstood" and I could not contain my emotions. It was just incredible to see them perform that song while sitting next to someone who I knew for sure appreciated every moment of what was happening as much as I did. And I'm not sure if this makes sense, but I thank you Mahoney, for being there with me for that.
Tonight I went to the show at the Wiltern with my brother Mohammed. And it's not that I didn't enjoy myself, because I most definitely did, but it's impossible to acheive that same emotional response I had on Saturday night's show with anyone else. Especially my brother. And it's not that we don't get along well, it's just that I can count on two hands the number of friends that I'm closer with than I am to my brother(s).
Tonight was the first time in many years that he and I have truly enjoyed being together though. I'm not sure where this post is going, so I'm going to do what I do all too often. I'm just going to end it here.
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