Mar 17, 2010 07:12
Wow, I can't believe that I have let a month slip by without posting anything here. (I wonder if anybody else has noticed?) It hasn't been that I have not had anything to write about, quite the contrary. I just haven't had the motivation to do so! Maybe I will get around to updating everything that has transpired lately, but as of now, I am still fighting a horrific lack of motivation to do much other than to simply crawl into a hole somewhere and turn into a vegetable.
Between recurring back pain hell and work being really frustrating lately, it just seemed that if I did write what has been going on, that it would read like a severe case of pissing and moaning about something that either I could or would do nothing about. So rather than being a crybaby about stuff, I just kind of went into mental hibernation.
Anyway, that is about all I am going to write about that for the time being. Now I need to try to motivate myself to accomplish some work. Take care all, and I will try to be a bit more forthcoming in the near future.