Jan 16, 2008 18:09
crazy dreams last night. i guess the theory that eating before you sleep gives you dreams is out, because i went to bed without dinner. anyway, they didn't happen until the dogs woke me up at 4. spent the next 2 hours lying in bed pissed off, listening to them bark incessantly, and struggling to ignore it and get back to sleep.
well apparently it worked at some point, because i was then launched into one of those dream sequences that come to you as a seemingly random series of scenes. the first was a sort of weird nightmare, which was brought on by a mild fear stemming from a direct event yesterday... which is funny, because only recently did my dreams make that transition.
you know how you see a movie or tv show, where something happens to a character that makes them feel insecure or worried? and then immediately, that very night, they have a nightmare confirming it? example: husband hears a strange male voice on the answering machine, talking in a very personal manner to his wife. this may make him curious who this guy is, maybe even a little worried that his wife may be cheating on him. that night, he dreams that he catches his wife in the act. immediate literal dream reaction.
i never thought that dreams would be that literal in real life. my dreams, until recently, were always more symbolic, or just seemingly random. i remember a dream about a baseball game at a family barbecue, held on the side of a lake with mountains in the background, and at some point during it all, a giant sea monster surfacing from the lake to have a friendly chat with us. did it make any sense? was it symbolic or just jibberish? hell if i know. but i know it wasn't meant for literal meaning.
anyway, last night, the first part, or "scene" was a weird nightmare. the second one was just gross, too gross to repeat here. don't know where it came from. just kinda disturbing.
and the third one was pretty normal, except the situation sucked. meg and i were leaving somebody's house. it was pouring rain. and when we went out to my car, we saw that water was leaking through the sunroof. not just a little, but A LOT. buckets of water, like there was no seal around the closed sunroof whatsoever. yea, so that was lame. funny now though, it JUST occurred to me now as i was typing, that i don't even have a sunroof. i sure know how to pay attention don't i? ha!
can't remember if there was another "scene", but i woke up again around 5, still an hour early. the dogs were still barking, and not only was i still pissed and frustrated for being up early, but now i couldn't even get decent sleep if i tried, because i was having a series of demented dreams.
i wish i could flip a switch that allowed me to function without sleep. i wish i wasn't such a light sleeper. and as much as i care for animals, sometimes i really wish i could remove both of my dogs' voiceboxes.
AND NOW FOR THE NEWS: Starbucks Chairman Howard Schultz, who joined the company in 1982 as director of retail operations and marketing, has taken back control of the company as CEO. Starbucks stocks dropped 50% over the last year, as consumer traffic has continually declined at Starbucks stores. Schultz says he plans to initiate major changes in the company, shifting priority from growth and focusing on improving store designs, barista training, product quality and streamlining management within the company.
(QUICK HISTORY LESSON --->) Now here's what makes me (ever so slightly) optimistic. This is the guy who left Starbucks in 1985 to start his own company, Il Giornale, attempting to bring the REAL Italian espresso bar experience to the U.S. mainstream. In 1987, his company took over Starbucks, and he was CEO from 1987 to 2000. Recently, Schultz publicly lamented about the replacement management and current status of the company. He admits that the company has focused too much on rapid growth and has thus taken a major downturn in quality product and customer experience.
I hope he really does turn back to the roots where they began, as he is promising, making the atmosphere and product better, actually TRAINING people (*GASP! WHAT A CONCEPT!!*). Someone gave me a Starbucks giftcard for Christmas. Against my better judgment, I used it today. I figured, why not? It's free, and I should use it out of respect of the person who gave it to me as a gift.
Should've listened to my better judgment. Starbucks coffee is fucking disgusting. FUCKING DISGUSTING.
Let me say that again, so I know everyone heard it clearly.
It is not coffee. It is nowhere near coffee. It is sludge.
I'll be at 7-11 in the mornings, thank you. And when I have time to kick back and get a cup of real quality brew, I'll head to one of the few spots in town with people who actually know their stuff.
Get on the ball, Mr. Schultz. You've got a world of work ahead of you.