you know, if you just turn around you can join us, sir

Mar 06, 2007 00:40

the port of tacoma has become militarized, and is being used as a point from which troops, vehicles, and supplies are being shipped to iraq throughout the rest of this week. many of the troops leaving will die, and they will take many other innocent lives with them. their poor souls have been camoflauged just like their uniforms, and our signs may be simple slogans, but the problem remains so complex. we drove to the fingertips of the State, where morals clash and rubber bullets fly. the seattle assualt squad looks like storm troopers dipped in black, moving in single file lines and advancing at the blow of a whistle. its so easy to believe we got it easy. sure, we do, but hard things happen and we forget or dismiss or worst of all, dont even know. if something like 70% of americans are against the war, then way more than 50 people should have shown up to the protest. the government doesnt really give a shit if you disagree with their policies, so long as you dont act on that opinion. thats what they bank on. thats what the media safeguards. last night i played videogames when i shouldve been there. any pleasure is part of the problem. i feel guilty every time i take a warm shower. theres not much we can do. they had us contained. quarentined. like we were the virus. they are so protective of their resources, you cannot go near it. if you step over the white line, you will be arrested. i could nearly touch their batons, and the bubbles i blew almost landed on their facemask. bubbles bursting make me feel a bit more human, a bit more safe, because i hoped the police would see i felt just as fragile.

it was a massive, orchestrated mistake. the convoy rolled into the compound and we would scream "you dont have to go!" i hope they knew how much we meant it. ive never cared so much for a soldier, but physical closeness brings emotional closeness. and many faces i saw would be scarred soon after. no, i dont think any actually began thinking for themselves just because we asked them to, but seeing support must be nice, perhaps even startling. they arent angry like the police. they need to know dissent exists, even if its in a location kept away from public view, represented only by the fox news truck that showed up to film us. if only our genuine emotion stung like teargas, politicians eyes would bleed.

the point is, if every person against the war actually backed up their beliefs and showed up to the protest, it would have made a difference. it would have flooded the streets and started a riot. so what the fuck were people doing that is more important than this? i feel we are morally obligated to show up. if you see the State shipping off weapons to kill the innocent, you must make every attempt to stop it. if you saw someone about to get murdered, hopefully you would do something. at least scream. its the same thing, only on a much larger scale, but its still murder. and we dont scream. we play videogames like i did last night. i shoudlve been screaming. now im just typing. but every second i want to scream, because we're sitting here, and things are going on over there that we dontt want to know about. the truth should give you nightmares, but at least that means youre sleeping. the best time to scream.
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