Application for riftedguilds

Nov 05, 2011 10:26

=== Player Information ===
Name/Nick: Gorse
Journal: gorsecloud
Method of Contact:, AIM: gorsethewarrior
Current Characters: n/a unless you count the NPC (ispainterly)

=== Character Information ===
Name: Luke fon Fabre
Gender: Male
Age: 7 (physically 17)
Fandom: Tales of the Abyss
Time period: On the Katsbert Ferry on the way to visit his friends after defeating Van at Absorption Gate

Pokemon: Torchic
Distinguishing Characteristics: He's going to have a tuft feathers sticking out of the back of his head that look like the duckbutt his hair does, and a white scarf/neckerchief with the little black demon face on it, like his jacket.
Explanation: I chose to go with a fire type because Luke is typically associated with all sorts of flame imagery in his home world of Auldrant - his name literally means "Light of the Sacred Flame" in Ancient Ispanian. I also felt that the more birdlike form of Torchic suited him more than the reptilian one of Charmander, or most other Fire types available (especially the personality of some, like Cyndaquil).

History: Yeah, no way I'm typing out the entire game with this as a good substitute


Luke, from the point I'm taking him, is a kid raised as someone much older who is searching to find his own sense of identity. When he was younger, he used to be brash, haughty, and arrogant - as the son of Duke Fabre, practically royalty, he was taught to regard most of the world as beneath him. Unfortunately, given his isolation, this led Luke to become a very lonely person, with little idea how to act appropriately in social situations. While Luke has a much better idea nowadays than he used to, there are still some times where he is awkward or unintentionally rude. There are also instances where he is still the spoiled brat he was raised to be - he might whine if things are going particularly badly or if annoyed enough, for instance.

A key thing to note from Luke's particular canon point is his confidence - or rather, his lack of it. He'd spent a majority of his life believing he was Luke fon Fabre, son of Duke Fabre, tertiary heir to the throne of Kimlasca. He even believes his power - that of hyperresonance - will help him to become a hero. Instead, he is manipulated into using his power to destroy a city, and finds out almost simultaneously that he is nothing but a copy of the real "Luke fon Fabre," who now goes by the name of Asch. Luke works tirelessly to atone for these mistakes, even to this day, and it is the root of his current selflessness. However, between it, and spending a month home surrounded by people who scorned or feared him because he was a replica, he now struggles to believe he is little more than that. As his selflessness exemplifies, Luke is very kind - he was even before the destruction of Akzeriuth, as Ion notes. He just didn't know how to express it.

Luke is very, very emotional, and what he feels, he feels very strongly. His friends note that Luke overdoes everything - "too arrogant, too excited, too depressed, too repentant." That doesn't mean he wont listen to logic or reason, but he's much more likely to rely on his own feelings and intuition, and will charge ahead without thinking more often than not. Emotionally, he's very easy to read, and is a horrible liar.

Because of both his age, and how he was raised, Luke is an odd mix of maturity and immaturity. He's much more self-aware and articulate than most seven year-olds, on account of the fact that he's spent most of his life believing he's seventeen. On the other hand, he simply lacks the experience that someone much older would have, and because of that he acts and reacts in some ways that are still very childlike. The words of others have a very powerful impact on him - even that of a random person on the street, as evidenced by how low his confidence sinks due to the mutterings of the staff at the Fabre manor about him being "just a replica." In his current canon point, he is perhaps more like a child than most of the game, mainly because he doubts his own ability to do so many things, and even his right to exist.

Luke has great respect for life, particularly human life (though I suspect this will extent to all sentient creatures represented among the Pokemon of RG), as evidenced by his reluctance to kill, even if his own life is at stake. At the same time, he will not hesitate to put his own life on the line to help others.

After his history of being locked out of the loop, he hates it when important information is withheld from him, or if people expect him to know information he's had no chance to learn. At the same time, his previous history of being sheltered and spoiled - as well as relatively young age - mean that he's not the most knowledgeable. But that doesn't stop him from trying to understand as much as he can and make his own decisions about it, and he's willing to ask whatever questions he needs to in order to do that.

=== Samples: ===
First Person:

1) You discover a secret passage in a basement. What do you do?
I guess I'd try and look inside it. Maybe get the others if we were looking for something.

2) Have you ever wanted to communicate with aliens from another planet?
Aliens? What the hell are those? You mean like, people? Not really.

3) Would you feel comfortable stating your opinion to a very important person?
Well, yeah, I guess. I mean... if it's something really important, then they need to know.

4) Do you like to do things according to plan?
Jade's usually the one who thinks about that kind of stuff more. But knowing what you want to do an how can help sometimes, so I guess so.

5) Do you think that lies are sometimes necessary?
Well... yeah. Sometimes you don't want others to find out why you're someplace or something like that... And sometimes the truth will just hurt people. At the same time... sometimes it's better that they know. I know I would.

Third Person:
To tell the truth, besides not having arms and shedding feathers all over the place, and not being able to reach or move the way he was used to, being in this world didn't really... feel that bad. Back on home, he'd just felt so useless - a defective replica, an imposter. There probably wouldn't be anybody to really miss him back home either - except maybe Guy, or Tear. The rest... were probably just better off. Meanwhile here... here he could actually help others, these... these Pokemon things.

It made some of the smaller things worth it, having to learn to walk and fight again (was this what he'd been like, when he'd just been made, and Guy was having to teach him to walk around the manor and talk like a normal person?) Some of the movements came instinctively, as if he really were some kind of small bird, that knew how to fight with its beak and claws, and that was just unnerving. Like the change was too easy - too natural.

This place was a lot simpler than home - though to be fair he was used to extravagance, having grown up in a manor. It had just about everything that everyone needed, and not much else. Houses, the Guilds, the stores, places for them to keep their money and items, and that Cafe. That was it. It was so different, even then Engeve, and after being stuck in the manor his whole life, Engeve - when he'd first seen it - had been shocking, for all the difference it had.

But it was what he needed to get used to now. He had no idea when he'd be able to go home. If he'd be able to go home, even. The adjustment was coming easier than he'd thought. Maybe it was another one of those instinct things.

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