paradisa App

Sep 05, 2011 04:35

NAME: Gorse
JOURNAL:  gorsecloud
AIM: gorsethewarrior

CHARACTER NAME: Luke fon Fabre
FANDOM: Tales of the Abyss
CANON: After Tower of Rem, After hearing Shu's diagnosis about his condition.
WHAT THEY LOST: Luke will be losing his ability to hide things. For instance, there are multiple times throughout the game where, when others inquire if he's all right, for both physical and emotional reasons, and Luke will brush them off and dismiss their concerns, keeping his emotions, and later his fonon separation (which functions similarly to a terminal illness), to himself. More often than not, even if it's clear he's not okay, they won't pry or press the situation.

He will lose his ability to do that. For Luke, who's placed higher priority on helping the world than his own feelings (and wants to distance himself from the whiny self-centered brat he used to be), this will be a massive stumbling block for him. He may not be the greatest of liars, but now he will not even be able to try to, for whatever reason, whether it's to not distract the party, keep his own emotional control, or keep the others from worrying.


The best way to describle Luke in a sentence is a spoiled child in a teenager's body, who's been forced to mature extremely quickly and is still going through the emotional and psychological shockwaves of it all. Of course, there's more to it than that. There always is.

Up until Akzeriuth, he essentially acted the part of a spoiled brat - speaking flippantly with little sensitivity for others, whining and acting out when he didn't get his way. After Akzeriuth, most elements of that personality vanished, though there still are some remnants of immaturity. Luke might whine if things are going particularly badly or if annoyed enough. And while he is much more sensitive to the thoughts and feelings of others, he still lacks some aspects of perceptiveness, and will therefore say things that offend others without meaning to. There are some other childlike aspects of his personality, such as a much higher likelihood of being affected by the words of others - even if they're a random stranger on the street.

His current sense of self and identity is in flux, and has been ever since Akzeriuth - the place where he was betrayed by his teacher, forced to use his power to kill thousands of people in an instant, and where he learned that he was only a replica of the original Luke fon Fabre, now called Asch. It is this event that fed his desire to change himself, and instilled a particularly strong sense of justice in him as he tried - and his biggest instinct, above all, is to protect people, to atone for his role in the destruction of Akzeriuth. Luke cares about life, all life, and will not hesitate to put his own on the line for others. This also has the unfortunate side effect of him disliking to take the life of other humans (once he gets to Splendor, this will likely include any sentient non-humans as well), even in self-defense.

For all the emotional growth Akzeriuth and the events surrounding it may have instilled, it has had its negative impacts too. Finding out that he was Asch's replica fueled a strong inferiority complex that Luke still struggles with, along with struggles over his own sense of personal identity and worth.

It's only at the Tower of Rem, when faced with his own death, that he begins to really discover both. As a result, he's no longer nearly as likely to put himself down, and he has a strong desire to live, a desire that has been proven moot by his fonon separation. So far as his reaction to his impending death, on the surface he'll act cheerful like nothing's wrong, but internally feels resigned to his fate, when he thinks about it at all. Really, he'd rather not think about it period, because he fears he won't be able to cope with it; this is why he doesn't want anyone to know about his fonon separation - he doesn't want their resulting changes in behavior to be a constant reminder.

The thing about Luke is, very often, how he reacts depends a lot on the situation, who is involved, and several other outside factors. However, one thing that people can pretty much count on is that his reactions will probably tend to the extreme side, especially in bigger matters. Guy and Tear point it out once in a skit: Luke overdoes things - "too arrogant, too excited, too depressed, too repentant". While he will listen to logic, he's much more likely to rely on his own feelings and intuition, and will charge ahead without thinking more often than not. Emotionally, he's very easy to read, and is a horrible liar.

In regular conversation, Luke isn't the greatest at small talk, nor does he like to pointlessly strike up conversations unless he's whining about something, but if he is curious he will ask others. When awkward or embarrassed, Luke is likely to snap or lash out to cover it up - though nowadays he may actually show some his embarrassment, especially if he's more familiar with the person he's talking to. He's also not very good at accepting compliments - often he'll brush it off or outright refute the statements being made.

After his history of being locked out of the loop, he hates it when important information is withheld from him. At the same time, his previous history of being sheltered and spoiled mean that he's not the most knowledgable. But that doesn't stop him from trying to understand as much as he can and make his own decisions about it, and he's willing to ask whatever questions he needs to in order to do that.


Luke is an accomplished swordsman, using the Albert style, similar to Asch, having been taught by the same teacher. While there is no in-game record of this, Luke's swordsmanship skills are likely somewhat more improvisational and unstructured than Asch's, given that he learned many of his more advanced skills fighting monsters and people in battle, rather than through formal training. As part of said style, there are many different kinds of strike artes that he can use, a full list of which can be found here. He cannot use fonic artes the way Asch can, though certain of his moves can create small elemental fields to modify his strike artes with.

Also, as a perfect isofon (essentially a "perfect" replica) of Asch, he, like Asch, has the ability to generate a hyperresonance - a power that can be used to break down and reform matter at the atomic level - by himself. His abilities are described as somewhat diminished (though still highly dangerous/destructive) and more unstable than Asch's, and while he can control it to a certain degree, it isn't incredibly precise.


There was still so much for them left to do - shutting down the Planet Storm, meeting with Asch to create the Key of Lorelei, stopping Master Van, and time was running out, running out for him. How would he know when it was time...? Would he be able to hold together until they were finished...?

He shook his head, breaking out of the downward spiral his thoughts were heading towards. He couldn't think about that now. There were more important things to worry about.

He continued walking through the streets of Yulia City, towards Tear's house - why was everyone telling him to go see Tear? - marveling once again at how differently this place looked in the bright sunlight. They'd only seen it briefly before the miasma had returned... it really was quite pretty, though very different from what he'd grown used to, with it being in the Qliphoth and all...

Tear's door wasn't locked, and when Luke looked inside, there was no one in the tiny kitchen. He glanced around, and started to head upstairs - when the sound of voices made him stop. It was... Natalia... and Tear. And the things they were talking about... dammit he knew that Natalia had been uncomfortable about battling Largo, why hadn't she said anything...? And Tear with Master Van... It was almost enough to make him want to burst in and talk to them both but... he was already kind of intruding... why did he always have to accidentally eavesdrop on conversations like this? Like that one time he'd overheard Asch and Natalia at Sheridan...

He wanted to leave, but at the same time, he wasn't sure how to. He didn't want them to know he'd been listening in on them. Which meant that he was there, as their conversation took a different turn, making his eyes widen slightly and his thoughts start churning. Did they really both believe in him... that much? Did he really represent that much to them?

At that point, he realized that he really should leave, regardless of the chance of getting caught. He shouldn't be here listening to them like this. As he walked back down the stairs and out of Tear's house, however, he came to a decision, a resolution, rather.

He couldn't let them down.


-in progress-

INTENT: I've played Luke in previous games, but as for what draws me to him… I honestly feel like he's an interesting, complex character, whose head love trying to get into.

As for what I intend to do with him, so far as I understand it, Para is fairly flexible when it comes to approach - plot-oriented versus slice-of-life. Having played Luke in slice-of-life situations in the past, I've honestly found I rather enjoyed it. His canon situation means that he hasn't had much time to experience what normal life is like, so he has a lot to explore/learn from it. The flexibility of the World plots is also nice.

ooc, paradisa

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