If you haven't seen Disturbia...

Aug 26, 2007 01:42

.... don't read the first part of this cause I'm gonna ruin a part. If you don't care, then read on.

In the first of the movie a dad and son are driving in the car talking on the phone to the mom. The son is driving. They get in a car wreck and roll their car. They are sitting upside down and they are all bloody and the son looks at the dad and then this other car slams into the dad's side. The son climbs out and his dad is dead. When this happened I started to cry. This wave just washed over me. I couldn't help it. The son saw his dad laying there and couldn't do anything to help him. He saw the car coming. He saw his dad die. I couldn't handle that at all. I immediately started thinking about my own dad and his heart condition. I thought about heart attacks and thought what if I witnessed him dying of one. What would I do? There wouldn't be much I could do if it did happen and that is what scares me so much. I thought about that time in church this summer where he stood up and blacked out and I caught him. I thought he was dying then. I seriously did. It frightened me horrifically. That's all I was thinking about during the first of the movie. I don't know why but it just happened. And yes, I know it was just a movie and that really didn't happen in real life, but it still triggers things. From that point on I kind of ruined the night for myself. I tried to not let it show though.

I'm feeling kind of depressed lately. Crying for no reason on the spur of the moment. Getting emotional over silly things. I just feel like I need a hug. I need something special to happen because lately I just haven't been feeling very loved. Although I know that's completely false. You can't help how you feel sometimes. I hope I adjust soon.

The Farmer's Market is a pretty cool place. I'm glad I went this morning. I got a big pretty flower. I also went thrift store shopping with Rachel and we accidentally found this awesome costume shop. It was great.

I got to see my family this evening. I miss them. I'm glad I got to see them.

My grandparents have been married for 60 years. wow. That's a very long time and I have so much respect for them. They stuck it out through all the hard times. I hope I get to do that some day.

The swing on the tree outside of the art building broke. I'm very saddened. Where am I gonna go to think?

It would be really nice to go on a pic nic. With a big checkered blanket.


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