Vicious St. Bernards...

Oct 31, 2008 09:20

For anyone who remembers the Odd Couple on TV, there was an episode where Oscar Madison, out of frustration with Felix's attempt at helping gone awry, says to him, "you're like a vicious St. Bernard!"

My hubby finally received his disability pension from the military, which included a certain amount of back pay.  This was, of course, welcomed news, especially now that we are trying to straighten out our finances.  This nice sum was recently deposited in our joint bank account.

Mind you, I'm the defacto financial manager of our home.   I am anal retentive when it comes to money, to the point where I document every bill we pay, the date of payment, whether it is check or phone, etc...
So, needless to say, I already had plans for this windfall.  I wanted to use some of it for a second car.  Brian would've preferred to use all of it for a second car.  I wanted to put the other amount into our savings... in case of emergency, our retirement, etc.

This morning, after I get out of the shower, Brian says to me, "now, promise me you wont get mad..."  (By the way, why do people do that?  I mean, does that ever really work? "Oh sure, let me just shut off my 'MAD' switch.  Ok, now hit me!")

Apparently, after I went to bed last night, Brian went on a spending spree at Walmart... for... $800.00.

In Brian's defense, since I'm the bread winner, he feels badly because he doesn't think he contributes enough to our home... even though I tell him, every day, that he's the reason I get up in the morning.

And he does do a lot of work around the house.  It's a big house, so it requires a lot of care and he does more than his fair share of chores.  I can safely say, without fear of contradiction, that I have never known anyone who has given so much to me... except for mom, of course.

I should also mention, in Brian's defense, that everything he got are things we actually need... so I couldn't be too mad at him.

But Brian is so damn eager to please me, that sometimes it gets in the way of things.

I guess I should be thankful... Brian could easily be a jerk just out to take me for a ride...  and I'm so in love with him, I'd probably let him.

Oh well, I got it out of my system.  He only spent a fraction of the money and on useful things... and only out of a need to please *ME*.

God bless him.
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