Roommate dilema

Oct 21, 2008 11:17

By the way, we also decided to find a roommate.  This isn't so much for the money but rather because we live in such a big house.  Of course, the problem is finding someone whose idiosynchrosies either match or complement ours.

So I put an ad in Craig's list... lot's of responses but none I felt comfortable with.  Most of them (95%) were girls from another country wanting a place while they go to college here in the states.

Here's my problem with that:  Brian is your typical redneck from the backwoods of Georgia (except, of course, for the "sleeping with men" part)... and what some people would consider boorish or innappropriate behaviour or discussion, he has no problem with.

I don't mind it because... well, it's sort of a turn on, really... but also because most of my friends from my hometown were pretty much the same way.

Basically, we wouldn't do well with people whose sensibilities are easily offended or shocked, but at the same time have some sense of responsibility... ie not trash.

So, if any of you know anyone like this and that is in the Atlanta area, let me know.

I'll keep you guys updated on any developments.
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