It's been a long time

Oct 21, 2008 10:44

Sorry I haven't posted in a while.

Here's the update:  I still love my job, but it's been very hectic lately, since we are *still* short-handed.  Can you believe it?  We have had the same 2 openings for over 6 months!!!  We keep interviewing, but we cannot find anyone qualified.

They say they are looking... and I have no reason to doubt them.  However, I have made a decision.  I will not keep working after hours and on weekends anymore unless it is absolutely necessary.

I'm tired of feeling stressed from trying to meet impossible deadlines.  Plus, it takes time away from my Brian.

We joined the Warhammer Online game, so we've been gaming on and off.

I've also decided to pursue model building.  Last weekend, we stumbled across a hobby store that specializes in Remote Control cars and planes.  I was always interested in building balsa wood planes, so I bought an inexpensive kit.

Lately, I have detected a need within myself to build something nuanced... other than developing a program, I mean.  I started building the model last saturday and truly enjoyed the process.  I spent 4 hours just cutting and cleaning the primary pieces.  This is obviously going to take some time, but I look forward to it.

And we have made a commitment to not use our credit cards for the rest of the year.  We'll see how well that holds up.  We decided to do this when we discovered that CitiBank was charging us 22%!!!!!

So I called them to cancel the card... and they begged us not to, offering to reduce it down to 2.9%.... so we agreed.  God, what a bunch of whores those people are.... (apoligies to anyone working for them).

And we have decided to get a second car.  Brian needs to get out of the house, maybe find a part-time job or join some sort of community service type thing.  This isn't for money but rather to keep Brian from going stir crazy... he's already crazy in general, no need to add to it.

Overall, my general mood for the past couple of months has been stressed.  I'm not unhappy or unfulfilled.  Quite the contrary, I feel a sense of accomplishment.

But I have to ask myself, every once in a while, why I'm doing it.  Part of the reason is that I love what I do, which is IT development.   But then the question is, "to what end?"

And the answer is always, "Brian"...  which always gives me the extra resolve I need to work a little harder.

Lord, how I love that man.
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