Run! It's the Gay Mafia!!!

May 13, 2009 06:23

I remember, back when I was teenager and a member of my church youth group, our youth pastor was trying to warn the congregation about the "Gay Agenda".  See, there was this guy who wrote a book about how the "gays" were taking over and one of the groups responsible was this "Gay Mafia" in Hollywood.  Supposedly, there was this powerful group of homo movie executives with lots of money who were manipulating our nation's delicate moral fiber so that it would be....(GASP!!!!) more gay friendly.

I remember thinking, even back then, how odd this was...  I mean we've had the Italian Mafia, Mexican Mafia, Chinese Mafia, Jamaican Mafia, Russian Mafia, and all sorts of other mafias... but I don't remember any church congregation being all that concerned about those gangsters.

I mean, whenever I hear "Gay Mafia", I have this mental image of a group of drag queens going around and indiscriminately re-decorating everybody's house.  Oh. The.  Horror!!!

I guess to these people drug trafficking, prostetution rings, and racketering  are good ole American virtues... but catch a man sucking another guy's cock... Oh My God, the nation is in Peril!!!!

And they call us "Queer".
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