Work out Pics Week 2 - 2nd day

Feb 11, 2009 07:39

Before I post the pics, some notes:

First, I took WestCBear's advice and did the last workout before cardio... actually we skipped cardio because I had to run to work.

Second, here are the measurements so far, first from a week ago and the second from this morning:

Measurement 1 (02/03/09)

Chest - 47"
shoulders - 53"
biceps - 16'
thighs - 26"
calves - 15"
waist - 44" (w/ gut 47")
neck - 17.5"

Measurement 2 (02/11/09)

Chest - 48.5"
shoulders - 54"
biceps - 17'
thighs - 27"
calves - 16"
waist - 44" (w/ gut 47")
neck - 18.5"

And before anyone says, "BULLSHIT" at one inch growth in a week, please keep in mind that I used to be a fanatic about working out little over a year ago... before the job got so hectic.  Those of you who have been in a similar situation will fully understand what this means.

So... here goes... I know I'll probably regret this, but this is important.  All I ask is that any constructive criticism (yes, the calves do need work and as does the gut) be followed by any suggestions.  I always try to be open-minded... just keep that in mind, is all I ask.

Anyways... (Brian wouldn't let me post the pics from a week ago because I was technically in my underwear... and that would be "naughty", he said)
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