Work Out Status - Week 2 start

Feb 09, 2009 07:33

So far, it's been intense but definitely worth it.  My new work-out partner is definitely driven as he is trying to lower his weight 40 or 60 lbs.

Last week, we did Tue - Legs and Thurs - Legs.  On Wed, since I work from home, I did Chest at my home gym.  All three were one hour workouts

He insisted on a 10 cardio before a workout.

Yesterday, Sunday, since it was a non-work day for me, we did a two hour work.  He insisted on a 1-hour cardio, followed by 1-hour of biceps, back muscles, lats... I'm definitely feeling the soreness right about now.

This morning, Monday, we did 10 min cardio, then legs.   We stepped up our pace a little because I wanted to get a full hour before rushing off to work.  We focused on calves,  thighs (quads and biceps femoris).

Tomorrow, we have another early morning work-out, which will be chest and shoulders.

This wed, I'm not sure if I should do a work out or just rest... we are hitting them pretty hard.

Having a work-out partner really changes things tremendously.  It really does help alot.  More to come....

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