*Mary was just chilling in her room, finishing off her cupcake, when she realized the something was materializing in the middle of her room. A certain undead, skeleton-like something*
What the- ohmygodit'sazombiegetinthevan! *the skeleton gets on one knee as Mary screams like a little girl and dives behind the coffee table
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He calls out in warning for Miss Mary, thrusting his arm out as if he could reach the 'zombie' already. But instead of being useless... a blast of fire suddenly shot across the room and engulfed the skeleton. If it's screaming it was probably drowned out by Will's on cries as the fire spreads up his arm again.
"No fire! Anything but fire!" she screamed as she barreled down the hall. Her poor vine plants and flowers smelled horrible as they were slightly scorched.
Will! What the- *she turns, lets out a cry and turns to where she keeps some water bottle on hand. Grabbing one, she quickly unscrewed the top and tossed the water on Will.
Here's hoping he doesn't melt*
S-stay back. D-don' wan' ta hurt you.
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