Apparently I just post once a month now...

Oct 04, 2010 15:16

1.) I love fall. I missed it so much when I was in Africa, and it is not the same in Oregon as it is in Michigan (seriously, Oregon, don't you understand that the leaves are all supposed to turn pretty colors?), but it is still FALL. I am excited. I walked home from school in a zigzag path, stepping on all the crunchy looking leaves. It was satisfying.

2.) School has been great, in a different sort of way. All I want to do anymore is write. And it's kind of all I am doing. So I take part in discussions in my other classes via reading spark notes (or common sense, in one of the classes), and do not do the reading. And then I read five thousand things for Fiction Writing and write a million pages and spend hours on Google Maps and Google Earth figuring out where my characters lived in NYC before the world ended (both in Queens, one in Kew Gardens, the other I can't decide which neighborhood). It's just kind of bad because I only want to learn things if they pertain to my writing, which, eventually, could be a lot of things, but currently is about New York City and guns and the end of the world (and, in another piece, Kansas and airplanes and the Air Force and strokes and Paris and espresso and cutting and Seattle).

3.) English Boy is not going to join the English Army, after all. At least not immediately. He is going to teach English in Palestine instead, which is a bit of a relief.

4.) I love Jim Croce.

5.) I am going to be Peach for Halloween! From Mario Kart! It basically just means I get to wear a big pink dress and a tiara! I am so excited. I do not think there will ever be a time that I don't want to dress up for Halloween.

6.) I'm trying to get the Old Spice Man to record a video for my anniversary with The Boyfriend. Any suggestions on how to get him to do it? I have tweeted at him and sent him a message on youtube and am off to find him on facebook. I feel like I should write him a real fan letter and send it--I think he lives in Portland even? Perhaps I could stalk him and deliver it personally, because that wouldn't be weird.

7.) Did I mention that I love fall?

college, i am going to be a writer., rl: english boy, rl: the boyfriend

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