I think we should just be friends with sexual tension

Sep 11, 2010 12:44

School is wonderful.

Three classes (well, and sculling but that more counts as something I do in my spare time) is the way to go. Fiction Writing is lovely, even if my character REALLY wants me to write her at 16 and in Paris when she's actually 9 and in Kansas. Western Political Thought is good, mostly just because I love the professor. He always gets worked up and about halfway through class he takes off his jacket and it is adorable. Global Security is fine, nothing special. Lots of discussion, which is nice.

Tonight we are making FAT LEES. I AM SO EXCITED. I've invited way too many people, including people who don't even watch BSG but who I love enough that it is okay. Hill and R-squared and both of their boys will be here. Potentially Hunter but I'm guessing not 'cause he's lame. Oh boy, lots more people too, who I sort of casually invited. It started as a "like three of us will get together and to this" thing and I think there will be closer to 15 people. Oh well. :)

I miss home, but that happens. Especially since Best Friend didn't have her phone for a few days. I get so lonely without her. ♥ I think that's mostly the reason I've been annoyed with my roommates lately--the girls anyway. They're just a little obliviously exclusive and tend to think that if things aren't done their way, they're done wrong. Blegh.

It's September 11 and I remember what the day was like, way back when, but I try to think more about it being my parents' anniversary. They've been married 28 years and if that isn't one of the greatest things you've ever heard, I don't know what is.

college, rl: hill, rl: best friend, rl: r-squared, rl: hunter

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