Beginning of summer

May 12, 2009 14:38


Back in Michigan, sleeping next to the Lake. It's glorious.

I have accomplished basically nothing--now that my mom works away from home there's not really anyone to wake me up and tell me to do things. So I've started watching Battlestar Galactica. I'm literally only on the second episode (but I watched the miniseries too) and I'm already hooked. The fact that my LJ friends have been going crazy over it forever probably pushed me in that direction, but it's also just because I love it.

I cut off all my hair today. I mean, not all of it, but over 10 inches. I did the same thing in 6th, 9th and 12th grades. Generally it had been every three years, but this time it's only two--I was just ready for it. Each time I donate it to Locks of Love. I'll get pictures up eventually. We took a "before" shot right before I went to the hairdresser too--so it's immediate before/after.

My aunt and uncle are living with us now, which kind of sucks because I don't get my old room (aka the room I've lived in since there was tape on the floor dividing my side from my sister's). But they're cool--my uncle's completely insane, but cool.

Anyway, my mom, aunt, and I are all getting skinny. That's the plan. If we lose 15 pounds in 8 weeks, we get a pedicure. If we lose 20, we get a manicure too. And they're basically relying on me to keep them on track, which is probably good for me because I'm not the best at doing it myself. But my mom and I went to a spinning class at a new gym yesterday and it was super fun. My asthma was not okay with it for a little while, but I calmed her down and made it through. I'll probably go to the spinning class three times a week and maybe also do kickboxing, because I took it a long time ago and really liked it. And maybe I'll start doing the Yogilates after spinning when I'm ready. Hooray!

(Also, I probably lost some weight just by cutting off my hair, which is probably cheating. :) )

LOVE you, internets.

bsg, working on my fitness, summer, home

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