You know you're a fangirl when...

May 04, 2009 22:00

The happenings on House are way more important to you than how you did on your final.

Obviously this episode deserves an OMFG. But I'm going to try to get through it in order and deal with the Huddy sex at the end.

1.) I really don't care about Cameron and Chase. I think it turns out that I really don't care about Cameron, because I liked the Chase Foreman scene and I like that Chase knows he wants to be with Cameron forever. But Cameron's issues bore/bother me.

2.) Could the patient have been any less important in this episode? Good for the show for changing the formula at least a little--except the patient still almost died then didn't, and how many times has House had hallucinations now? But I felt like they did a good job making the patient's storyline not as important or shocking really. It was intense and interesting but it wasn't the main point.

3.) Also: well done, kiddos on fixing her without House (and hooray for Chase for helping!)

4.) Oh Wilson, how I love you. I mean really. It's one of the things you forget--you forget how loyal he is, how much he would do for House until he does it. I like him. I like that there's a dichotomy between how he seems like such a good guy, but he's best friends with House and he's been divorced like a million times.

5.) I was confused as fuck why Cuddy wasn't in THE ENTIRE EPISODE until finally she appeared. I mean come on, House stopped a patient's heart and put himself in a diabetic coma and Cuddy didn't know about it and appear to yell at him? Doubt it. They seemed to play it like she didn't know anything until he arrived in her office, which I didn't like. I feel like Cuddy always knows everything that's happening in her hospital--perhaps there was just too much to do that day to deal with House being House?

6.) Also, in the middle of the scene in Cuddy's office, where Amber's all "She has no responsibility for you!" and House is looking at Cuddy with puppy dog eyes, we blew a freakin' fuse. Roommate Boy and Annoying Boy Next Door (who will heretoforth be know as Yellow) were each heating up water at the same time in different teapots, which blows a fuse. So there's a mad Huddy scene happening and BAM! Cable converter goes out, antenna goes out, and we have no signal. I had to find the rest of the episode online.

7.) Um, does Vicodin withdrawal really kick in that fast and end that early? I mean, it was what--two hours maybe before he was vomiting everywhere? And then the next morning he wakes up ready to bang? Really?

8.) There's nothing to bring two people together than one watching the other one vomit into a trash can and toilet bowl. Mmm. Hah. How was everyone in that bathroom so fucking talented? Anne Dudek (I know her name specifically because she is so awesome in this ep) was intense, all the way through this episode. The knife scene was crazy, and her singing in the bar was so FUCKING CREEPY, but it was exactly what it was supposed to be. And then in the bathroom, I think she did a wonderful job personifying House, voicing all the thoughts he has and being so...dangerous? about it. I don't know if that's the right word, but anyway. Scene was great.

9.) The way Cuddy just fits into House's life, into his house, onto his bathroom floor or into his chair, is brilliant. Like whenever he lets her in, there's a space, a perfect cut out space for her.

10.) SHE AUDITED HIS CLASS BECAUSE SHE THOUGHT HE WAS AN INTERESTING LUNATIC EVEN BACK THEN. (Yes. Caps were necessary.) Also known as: I've been completely smitten with you for 20 years. In case you weren't aware. And it means we got information on their background, which is quite possibly my favorite thing ever. She took a class with him, let him cheat off of her (and became a freakin' endocrinologist because of it all!)

One problem I have with this show in general: it seems to be assumed and discussed that House cheated his way through school. That seems completely counterintuitive. He supposed to be fucking brilliant and the best in his field--you don't get that way by cheating through school. It's just a little silly to me I guess.

Also, when he says, "We're alone" and it's totally obvious she thinks that means "So let's get it on" was pretty amusing.

11.) So. Yes. The kissing. And the subsequent off-screen sexing.

Apparently there was a promo with actual shirts off and such that I did not discover until tonight, after this episode. All I remember was the promo of "I always want to kiss you." So I was pleasantly surprised at the more than just always wanting to kiss her and looking at each other longingly.

How much did you love that she kissed him, basically chastely, like she was just kissing him goodbye. Yeah, like that was going to work. And House's leg certainly didn't seem to hinder him pushing her against a wall. Passion FTW.

Right. So. There's that. Really really good episode. Incorporated so much character stuff--from all characters. Chase, Cameron, Foreman, Taub, Wilson, Cuddy, House. So much from all of them stuffed into one episode. Pretty brilliant.

And please. More Huddy sex.

This episode has made up for Daniel dying on LOST.

And there's also real life things: one final down, two to go. My nonfiction piece can be considered finished, or not, depending on if I want to/have more time to spend on it. Then I'll be a senior based on credits, though I'm still doing two more years.

In less than a week I'll be off this campus and won't be back for 8 months. The excitement about Africa seems to outweigh how much I'm going to miss the Boyfriend and the best friends. At least Roommate Boy is coming with me.

Ooh! In other news, Roommate Boy is on his way to getting a girl (this is a big step. He is very reserved and nervous about the ladies.) However there's less than a week of school so it's probably not going to work out, at least not now. But still exciting.

I think I'm becoming more of a lesbian than usual. Hah. I'm just wanting girlsex lately--maybe I'm just not getting enough normal sex haha.

I don't know. There's just a stronger attraction to girls lately. I kind of expect to hook up with a girl on my Africa trip while I'm over there (the Boyfriend and I have talked about it and it's okay. Is that weird?), but I also am okay with kissing one of my best friends out here while we're drunk (I'm pretty sure she's straight straight. Or as straight as one can get and still be willing to kiss girls while drunk).

My attraction to girls is so different from my attraction to boys it doesn't seem like cheating. I don't think I can explain this well over the internet, so I guess I won't try.

Lol, this became more of an introspective post than I expected.

And again, with all of this, the thing that has had the greatest immediate impact on my life is the episode of House. My name is Meryl, and I am a fangirl.

college, gregory house, lisa cuddy, house/cuddy, huddy, james wilson, house

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