
Oct 08, 2006 13:24

Well, Faith has been saying-- "Why don't you let me set you up with a Live Journal" when I'm forcing her to listen to some rambling of my vast intellect-- so here I am.

Anyone who reads should know and remember that I feel that pomposity is an under-appreciated art form.

I am very conscious, as I start this, that what I write is immortal. Anything entered into the memory of the Web, for better or worse, will probably endure for longer than human civilization. On a more pragmatic level, anything I write will be available to embarass me for the rest of my life and will be visible to anyone who should ever have the least motivation to learn about me-- forever.

We are all writing for the future edification of our future prospective employers, whether we are aware of it or not. Already some corporations have begun hiring web intelligence firms (PI's, really) to trace down comment threads and journal entries and anything they can learn of web activity from anyone they are thinking of hiring.

So I start with an admonition to myself to be mindful of what I carve in stone in the public square. As my grandparents said "foolish names and foolish faces are those oft seen in public places". As to whether that adomition will endure in the face of the ease and convenience with which one creates thoughts and comments in this venue-- time will tell. There are already legendary examples of those who are tech savvy who lose sight of that truth.

In fact, I rather hope that the end of the current period of abusive mis-control of Congress will be a consequence of an immediate example of that very thing.
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