[38] ...

Jul 25, 2008 18:36

[Voice Post]

*some obvious mumbling becoming louder and clearer as Fay paces back toward the PDA on the bed*

And why don't you ever tell anyone that!?

*a very heavy sigh*

Nah, I'm sure they would understand...

*again it goes back to incoherent muttering before he turns around and comes back. He stops pacing this time though*


*a very long silence*

I don't know about him. I guess I'll have to talk to him about that.


*an obvious pause, as though he seems to realize the PDA thing is on. Then he sounds comforting and encouraging*

You'll just have to tell him!

*another pause before he sounds amused*

Haha~ Don't be so shy~ Everything will turn out fine, I promise! In fact, I'm gonna go find him right now so you can talk to him!

*the PDA shuts off with the sounds of footsteps leaving the room*

[//Voice Post]

((OOC: Yeah... him means Kurogane 1 & 2. And yes he is talking to Fye~))

kuro2, voice, royalle, gragock

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