[37] Jeeze...

Jul 18, 2008 02:03

Someone... made my clothes all itchy... and it's gross!!!

[Fay Voice Post || Screened to AU!Kurogane]

*is very obviously whimpering, a rustling of sheets as he shifts about uncomfortably*

I feel so... cold and lonely all of a sudden... and my skin is... it's crawling and hot!!

*now sounds a little lustful*

I need something... I'm craving something... it's like a growing fire pit in my stomach...

*whining now*

Kuro-wanta.... it's so hot...

I think... it's you I'm craving...

*now a little husky and seductive, another bout of sheets rustling*

Gods... Kuro-mew... come over please? I want you so bad I think I might explode!!

[//Voice Post]

[Fye Voice Post || Screened to OU!Kurogane]

*very awkward silence and a slightly muffled clearing of the throat*

I really don't want to be put up there at the chopping block but...

*sighs heavily*

No, that's not what I meant to say and I don't mean it like that.

*awkward silence again and a slightly shaky breath before he goes on*

I want to meet you in person... so I can show you I mean it when I say I'm sorry... and to show you I really am trying to be a better person...

*suddenly sounds very determined*

Of course, it took me some time to really think about it, but I haven't given up. And I won't. Not until you agree to come see me in person. Don't care either, how long it takes. Even if you yell at me every single time. I will find a way to show you.

*recording shuts off*

[//Voice Post]

((OOC: I blame you Sair and Belldandy for this one... ><))

fye, kuro2, voice, kuro1

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