Nov 08, 2006 21:34
We're signing the lease in a week from today. We're going to slowly move the small stuff in Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, and then use either Saturday or Sunday to be the big move-in day.
Unfortunately, it looks like we'll be renting a UHaul, which is a whole mess of expensive fees and hassles.
I'm paranoid because we haven't reserved one yet, however come to find out, a reservation isn't really a *reservation* because they don't actually hold a truck for you. Go figure. But I feel the need to "reserve" one anyway, because somewhere deep down, it gives me peace of mind.
Mike's dad is supposed to take care of the truck. If it isn't done by Monday or Tuesday at the absolute latest, I'll take over. That's how I am. I'm a horrible team player.
(kim trivia: "I do it myself!" was my first phrase as a young child.)
The furniture is basically all set. One of the speech therapists at my school is giving us her old couch when her new couch is delivered in 4-6 weeks. Until then, we have a futon. Other than that, all the other furniture is stuff we've already owned or stuff we bought at IKEA this past weekend.
All at the same time, my work is currently relocating to Andover, so the school is being packed up. I go to work, and I'm surrounded by boxes. I come home, and I'm surrounded by boxes. All this moving is making me a little loopy.....
....But what makes me sane is knowing that Democrats now control Congress.
someday, i'll form coherent thoughts again.