Up here as much for me as any of you. ;)

Apr 17, 2009 12:59

I've been mulling over Jazz's coming role in this chapter. Yesterday I had one epiphany that would keep this closer to what was implied waaaaay back in 'Face Off', but I still needed a reason for Jazz to be in Halifax. He wasn't with Starscream's entourage, they're all flybois. He wouldn't have seen anything, much less been seen if he was there for basic sabotage work.

Then tiamat1972  rescued me with a single word: Counterpunch.

Dammit! Now I have to go back and add yet more scenes to the last chapter. Thanks, Tia. =.= Anyone have any really good insider info on Punch/Counterpunch? I don't know him that well... (makes note to wiki him later)


What? Teasing you? No, never. Though this may not come to fruition.  Or it may, because Jazz has no real reason to be so blatantly there. Dammitdammitdammitdammit. Dammit!

Makes me glad I didn't just go 'Haha! Done! *post*' as is my wont to do. :P

star crossed, plotting, writing

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