Miscellaneous Stickyverse Dialogue and Star-crossed update.

Apr 13, 2009 22:48

Yet-to-be-named-femme: Prowl! How good to see you.

Prowl: Good to see you, too. It's been a while. This is Jazz, I'm sure you've heard of him.

YTBNF: Mmmm, ye~s. I believe most of the femmes have 'heard' of him. Arcee has some nice stories to tell. *wink*

Jazz: *Big Jazz Grin* I could prove 'em true if ya'd like. Anytime.

Prowl: We have matters to attend to first, Jazz.

Jazz: *pout* Spoilsport.

YTBNF: Oh, Prowl, let him have his fun. This can wait a little. I would like to talk to you anyways. It has been a while.

Prowl: ...

Jazz: *snickers* Aww, don't mind him. Femmes don't really spark his-

Prowl: *Stomps* You are right. I would be glad to take you up on that offer.

Jazz: *sputter* But you never take Arcee up when she offers!

Prowl: *arches browridge* Look at the company she keeps.

Jazz: What's that got t'- heeeey. Now that's just mean!

This is sparked from discussions with
padawan_sponge about Prowl and Arcee's relationship (or lack thereof) in my Sticky Situations verse. Dialogue occurred to me tonight, so I'm saving it for later use. Yes that femme knows Prowl's secret. No Jazz doesn't, but he's sleeping with Prowl anyways. :D

Also, Star-crossed has had another chapter finished. *breaks out the party hats* Still about 2 more to go provided the one I'm on doesn't split. Sadly there will be no posting until I'm completely done. Once I start posting, I want to follow through consistently until the end. Of course once I'm done writing it, there's still the nasty thing known as editing to do. D: dragons, harumph.

Speaking of dragons, I've had (tf)dragon bunnies gnawing on my toes, so I think they'll be getting some attention once I finish up Star-crossed. 6.9

Nowhere to Turn has the next chapter started, but needs to be gnawed over some more. Opened it last night and just stared at where I'd left off.

Blargh. Wanna finish Star-crossed. Probably got another month of hacking before I finish this chapter (*pokes her Jazz-muse* No getting stalled, you hear me! Like right now is Not. Good. Do you understand! Dammit look at me when I'm talking to you. *huff*)

*bouncy* Vacation's where I wanna be/Party on the beach where the fun is free/We don't need a holiday to start to celebrate/I need a break, "I need a vacation!"

*heads off to bed*


ficbit, star crossed, stickyverse

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