May 30, 2005 10:53
congratulations nikki and ike for getting back together! i knew you
guys would make it, didnt i always say you would? i guess ive got the
foresight ability ;-)
well, i guess things have taken a turn for the worst in other
areas....and better. not the same taylor. i dont know what
his deal is but hes being a real asshole to me, getting in
fights...something's not right. he keeps saying he loves me, and he
wants to be with me...but i thought he moved on? i cant figure it out
anymore, hes confusing me...and i hate it.
*sighs contently* and my dear zachary. saving the best news for last i
suppose...the one person who's been tellnig evveryone how wrong this
all is and was so agaisnt it, is now for it? i love the way he makes me
feel, hes so sweet to me, and he respects me, unlike SOME people.
most importantly hes gentle and he treats me good. hes right, sometimes
you find love in the most unexpected places, and i guess thats the way
i like it. i love you zac. ♥☺♥