(no subject)

Oct 04, 2012 23:51

So I pretty much never do this, because I almost always write short things, but, um. Would any of you be willing/have the time to beta/bounce ideas back and forth about this Harry Potter fic I've started writing? It has Ginny, and Dean, and Hermione, and I think Luna + some original characters, and it's about a) the symbolic rituals people make for themselves, b) the ways you go quietly mad when you feel like you're not doing anything, c) trying to help institute wide-spread social change without really having any idea what you're doing, and possibly d) something that may or may not be totally off-the-wall and belong in a different fic but ties in nicely with b).

http://esmenet.dreamwidth.org/108714.html |
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writing, harry potter

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