(no subject)

May 01, 2012 23:19

Recently, I noticed that basically all wingfic is about dudes. As usual, I attempt to remedy this.

wings are just arms and hands in another shape, she learned that in biology class years ago, so it's only a little bit of a surprise to feel her hands stretching out, her arms shrinking, her flesh changing as she stretches towards the sun. they grow and grow and she thinks i am so much in love with these tall grey buildings and this closed-off sky. what a lovely, what an unbearably beautiful world.

her wings grow until they feel larger than the city, larger than these little islands, large enough to fold around the whole world and shield it from everything.

i love, i love, I LOVE she sings, and there is no 'you' tacked on to the end. never, never again will she confine this feeling, this freedom. this love needs no object; everything is beautiful and ugly and terrible and loved. the city, the world, every world is full of wonders.

at last, she flies.

http://esmenet.dreamwidth.org/101154.html |
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