(no subject)

May 03, 2012 21:51

So there is a love meme going around, and here is my thread, if anyone wants to leave me some pre-finals love or something.

Also-and this is so great I actually made this post just to tell you about it-I have finally come up with a title for that original fic thing from a while back. Even better, it's the name of the city! I had such a difficult time naming that place, you don't even know. I wanted something kind of like Republic City, something that could be a word translated from any language. I rather failed at this, because I actually came up with Honglong(紅龍) City, but on balance I think Red Dragon City is not a bad name. Ridiculous, but not bad.

note to LJ people: It's Three Weeks For Dreamwidth time! So there will probably be a bunch of posts for the next while that you won't be seeing on your f-list. But I'll be talking about magical girls and other great things over on DW if you want to come visit!

http://esmenet.dreamwidth.org/101774.html |
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red dragon city

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