Blegh. I'm running around like a chicken with my head cut off because we leave for PR on Thursday night. So yes. Moving on.
1. Puerto Rico!!!
I am really excited to be going on our vacation, and we've even decided on a few places we want to go. The
Camuy Caves sound like a great idea and also swimming in the bio-luminescent bay. I still haven't found a place that sells uber affordable swimsuits that will fit either my top or my bottom. Jeez. Good thing I still have a small waist.
2. I love Shopping in Hollywood. I love living in Hollywood. If I must live in California I don't want to move away from Hollywood. So you must understand how much fun it is to run into happy tourists at every stop. Sometimes its annoying, but other times it is really nice to be surrounded by happy people. Today was all about happy British women in Forever 21. I swear one woman used the word "posh" every twenty seconds. She was big on top so I had to tell her to search for the ever elusive large size.* Forever 21's new jersey knits are really flattering. Who knew?
3. Filters Filters Filters.
Here is my filter post. Go sign up if you want to be on any of my filters.
Filters Thisaway *She asked for help.