Despite my attempts at resistance, This morning I became an Angeleno.
I was already late and just threw myself into a 720 bus to Santa Monica. By now I know most of the bus system like the back of my hand. I squeezed onto the bus and sat next to not one but three highly attractive Englishmen on holiday. How did I know they were one two Englishmen and an Irishman? They hadn't been in LA for three hours and one of them already had freckles and the beginnings of a burn. Those were some pale pale folks. Also hello sixthsensekthnxbai. Anyhow, I was able to give them clear directions to their hostle and got the following:
I: Oh! Thanks a mill love.
EM2: Yeah, a mill.
EM3: You're a sweetheart you are.
In other news, the website is coming along. I'm currently looking for different images that'll help
trinsan with the look and feel of my work. I've been dredging through photographs, and will probably take a few tonight for good measure.
Hmm anything else? Oh yeah, I am in love with Japanese Ball joint dolls. They are hugely expensive, so I'm not getting one anytime soon, but I swear I will have every single character from my novels made by my hand. Who goes first? Torin. The last to get made will probably be Siraj, Bella, and sadly my lovely Simcha because they are dark skinned and those dolls are at least 200 more. *tear*
If you had no idea what I was talking about don't worry about it. This weekend all will be revealed with awesome.