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Jan 13, 2007 23:28

A cute,interesting and funny convo-style HYOTEI meme snagged from faded_dorothy

Hyotei 100 questions

01- Atobe- "Aa~n? Say your name before me, at least."
Oishii Onigiri

02- Oshitari- "Oh~ That's your name? Nice meeting you."
Not real but well...Nice meeting you too.

03- Akutagawa-"Oshi~ you look really perverted. You should be careful of him!"
Ya I know xD

04- Mukahi- "100 questions seems tough for you..."
Shut up lol.

05- Ootori- "We are happy to meet you. It may seem strange, but good luck."
I am happy too and thanks, that's sweet of you.

06- Kabaji- "Usu."

07- Hiyoshi- "...well, let us start the questions. Are you ready?"

08- Shishido- "Ready or not, we'll just start."

09- Atobe- "Geez. And, say what your birthday is. I can think of a present for you maybe."
24 of Feb. Give me your money will do!

10- Ootori- "Then do you know my birthday?"
On Valentine'day and you were bosating that you've got more chocolates than Shishido.xD Mine is only 10 days after yours~

11- Shishido- "Then what is your zodiac symbol? Oh, it's not like I have any interest or anything, ok?!"
Pisces hehe,okay.

12- Oshitari- "Hey, how old are you going to be? If you don't want to say it out loud, you can tell me privately."
15 turing 16 ugh.There is no need x3

13- Hiyoshi- "What's your blood type?"
Not sure ne...

14- Atobe- "There are some people out there who says my perfect hair style was ripped off Kikumaru but, you don't think so, right?"
Me noticed it too but at least you both've got different colours right ~_~

15- Kabaji- "Do you like tall people?"
WAW!OMG wheres the usu? A-hem.As long as they are not too tall(since I am short)Hmm..but tall people have shorter lifespan :/

16- Mukahi- "So, is your name real? If it has any meaning behind it, can you tell me?"
No.Aka riceball, haven't you eaten it before? Food = :9

17- Akutagawa- "Oh~ Well, real name or fake name it doesn't change who you are~"

18- Atobe- "Of course, I highly doubt you won't choose anyone besides me for this response, but who do you like in Hyotei?"
Oshitari,Jirou,maybe Shishido and ya you :D

19- Ootori- "Do you have a website?"
Nope, not yet.On my way for a fansite though.

20- Shishido- "Then, if it won't be a bother, will you put our questions on your site? Then you know...we seem more loved..." :blush :
LoL,even if I build a site,I don't think it will be on Hyotei xD Posting this on LJ instead (like anyone will look xD).

21- Oshitari-"What's wrong, Shishido? You're blushing. By the way, do you have costumes you would like for us to wear?"
Oh ahhah,different kinds of clothes from prince styles to traditional clothes,maybe merman? xD

22- Oshitari- "I see, I see. : looking satisfied : I personally would like to wear a doctor's coat. And you can be my patient. I'll do your personal checkup."
Are you sure you won't kill me?

23- Hiyoshi- "Oshitari-senpai, I'll seriously punch you...Hey, do you have anything you like to eat?"
Woot! Food! Delicious food!I love food!

24- Hiyoshi- "Then would you like to drop by after this? I know a good restaurant."
Sure, I love to try new yummy food~

25- Akutagawa- "Woah~...we can't keep Waka on the side...Then, next time I'll nap with you! Can I?"
Ahh okay? Lets get a bigger pillow and blanket? Wouldn't it would be comfy?or you want to sleep on my laps?

26- Kabaji- " Usu!" ( translation- Probably a "no" )

27- Atobe- "What? You understand Kabaji-language too? That's pretty good. Why don't you become Hyotei's manager? I'll welcome you here."
I don't mind as long as I don't give troubles. I can stalk other schools too hehe

28- Atobe- "It's decided now. There're a lot of jobs, you know?" : grin :
Huh? *Roll up sleeves* lets get cracking! I bet I can't even last 1 hour.

29- Mukahi- "So, yea. Do you like other schools or something too?"
Yes!Seigaku and Rikkai are my favourites too!

30- Mukahi- "...no! If you mingle with them, I don't know what will happen to you...Don't go anywhere, ok?"
Aww, I will be safe ^__^ thank you.But I don't think you are able to protect me anyway xD

31- Ootori- "By the way, what kind of clothes do you usually wear? For instance, at home?"
Shirt and shorts.I hate skirts.

32- Ootori- "Hyotei's school uniform is nice, but I like women who wear simple stuff. Next time, may I visit your house?"
I like Hyotei's girl uniform the most.Sure but my house is darn messy.

33- Kabaji- "Usu..."

34- Shishido- "So, how did you find out about Tenipuri? Can you tell me?"

35- Oshitari- "Most people say that their first impression of us was pretty bad, but what did you think?"
I like bad characters xD Atobe attracted most attention from me at 1st with those people cheering for him.

36- Mukahi- "Don't tell me you cheered for other schools besides Hyotei at that time?"
I didn't cheer for Seigaku/Hyotei.I just watched like this xD I was actually glad that Tez lost >_< sorry cause he seemed too superior

37- Hiyoshi- "Gekokujou (Supplanting one's superior). Shall we try that some time?"

38- Atobe- "You, what kind of flower do you like?"
Sunflowers, especially mini ones :]

39- Akutagawa- "You seem to ask similar questions, Atobe. During your birthday, she's (you're) going to spend time with me~"
Then we'll eat cake together.

40- Akutagawa- "Oh! What do you think we will become in the future? Personally, I want to be your husband."
You seem too slacky for one xD But that would be nice.I can hug you everyday xD

41- Oshitari- "What are you saying, Jiro? My future will be her (your) personal doctor!"
That's good, I get sick easily so its good to have a personal doctor ^_^

42- Shishido- "Are you guys having fun saying stuff like that...Anyway, going back to what I was saying, what do you do on your website anyway?"
If you mean LJ, just lurk,comment and so on.

43- Hiyoshi- "Seems like there are stuff like Seme, Uke, and dream novels out there."
You actually know that? I don't even know whats uke/seme some time back then.What do you think of Yaoi then?

44- Hiyoshi- "I don't have anything against it, but if you like it I don't mind."
Lmao, I have no preference.

45- Ootori- "Are you getting a bit tired? I'm sorry. We're kind of excited having you join us."
Its okay, I just wish I have more time.

46- Atobe- "Let's take a break. If you're tired, you should say so. Kabaji, bring tea."
Thank you.I am halfway through yay!

47- Kabaji- "Usu."

48- Shishido- "Don't you think Atobe is really nice for some odd reason? It's so strange, it gives me the creeps..."
Who cares? He is always like that anyway.as long as I get some benefits~

49- Mukahi- "Here's a question! Right in front of you is English Tea, Green Tea, and juice.

50- Akutagawa- "Ah! Gakkun, that's not fair! Me too!"
I know you want juice too!

51- Oshitari- "Hey, you guys are the most drunk right now...don't you think so?"

52- Atobe- "Besides, the only one who can say "drunk" in a sentence is me. Hey, get drunk at my beautiful skills."

53- Hiyoshi- "Weren't we supposed to let her (you) take a break? Sorry, but feel free to relax."

54- All- "Phew"

55- Ootori- "Well, did you relax? Can we continue with the questions?"
Wait I go get a drink.Back.

56- Shishido- "Ok. Well, let's start. Do you have any favorite subjects in school?"
Home economics,art,chinese and so on.And those give away periods like pastoral care xD

57- Atobe- "I'm good at English, German, French, and almost anything. Want me to whisper something by your ear?"
No thanks, I would appreciate if you teach me though ^____^

58- Akutagawa- "Do you cook? I would be happy trying something you make~ Can you make me something next time?"
I bake. Alright,be careful then.

59- Hiyoshi- "What are your hobbies?"
Sleeping, eating, doodling,using computer,learning new stuff...and more..

60- Shishido- "Then, do you have any special talents? Like Choutarou's scud serve, which is pretty good."
Special?Not really,I am okay in art.General arts,anime/manga,chinese calligraphy, chinese painting.I can't escape Art's clutches x_x

61- Mukahi- "What about something you just hate? I am rather weak on stuff that's bad for your heart."
A lot,some of which are strange stuff.Like skirt and grass.Oh ya veggies!

62- Kabaji- "Is there a reason why you like Hyotei?"
WAW! Because of teh bishies xD Isn't it obvious?

63- Oshitari- "Got any habits?"
A lot of bad habit I shall not mention.

64- Hiyoshi- "Do you have a favorite season? Any reason why?"
All are well, except that I haven't experience winter before ;_;

65- Akutagawa- "Hey hey, have you cut class before?"
I did haha,

66- Akutagawa- "Ohh~ Well, I cut a lot...I'm at the roof of the school usually so come over sometime!"
I would sleep there too.

67- Atobe- "Do you have any pets?"
No, few that died.I want a dog!

68- Atobe- "I can make you my pet. There's no reason for you to reject."
Ahaha will you feed me alot of money then?

69- Ootori- "Then which do you like better, dogs or cats? I'm usually treated like a dog so it's kind of tough."
Both! Both are cute!

70- Shishido- "Kind of hard to ask but, I'll ask. When was your first love?"
Ahahaha shhhh.

71- Kabaji- "Then...you've dated before?"
No,don't wish to.

72- Hiyoshi- "From now on, please don't look at any males besides me?"
Sorry I can't xD Besides I have to see my father every morning.

73- Mukahi- "Ah. I don't like girls who wear a lot of make up. You're fine like this so don't do anything, ok?!"
I hate make-up.So ok!

74- Oshitari- "Yeah yeah...You know, I wanted to ask this question the most~"

75- Oshitari- "Here we go. Tell me your height, weight and 3 sizes~"
155cm (not sure how to convert),40 kg,waist is 22-23 blah alala...

76- Mukahi- "Yuushi, you have an eyes of a pervert..."
I know that xD

77- Atobe- "You shouldn't tell your 3 sizes to that idiot. The beast will end up returning to the his true form."
I won't.Ahahaha.

78- Kabaji- "Usu."

79- Ootori- "Let's leave these people aside, and let's have fun here." : smile :
So what is next?

80- Ootori- "By the way, how do you spend your days off?"
Refer to hobbies. But for now --computer. If I get my ass off, I will hang out with my friends.

81- Ootori- "Then if you're bored, will you go out with me? We can go anywhere you want."

82- Shishido- "Which do you like more? Anipuri or the manga?"
Both but more on the anime.

83- Akutagawa- "Hey~ what do you think about Sakaki director?"
Isn't he a music teacher? *shivers*

84- Akutagawa- "He's a music teacher~ It may seem kinda strange, but he's a pretty good director. He teaches us well too. So, don't hate him, ok?"
Oh I won't ^^

85- Hiyoshi- "Do you think there're other sports besides Tennis that might suit us?"
Kinda tough...Those more action ones?

86- Oshitari- "Do you think there's some one in here that might have a dark sided hobby?"
*points to you* I am pretty sure more than one have ~__~

87- Mukahi- "What do you think Jiro dreams of when he's sleeping?"
Marui Er food? Since he is like drooling everytime.

88- Shishido- "Oh, I nearly forgot...it's almost time."

89- Ootori- "...It's a pity but, we had a lot of fun."

90- Akutagawa- "It's a promise, we're going to nap together!"
Okay *hook pinky finger*

91- Oshitari- "If you don't want to be my patient, I can have you in a nurse's outfit."
I hate skirts, don't force me. I know it is one that can show the sexy legs.

92- Hiyoshi- "I would be happy if we can speak one to one some time. I would like to know about you more."
Sure,I would like chatting with you too.

93- Mukahi- "You know...Um, nevermind. Come again anytime."
Huh? Okay!

94- Kabaji- "Usu."

95- Atobe- "Aa~n? What do you want from me?"
$_$ <3

96- Atobe- "...Sorry for making you stick around with us all the way here. Go home and sleep. Or you can't sleep alone?" : grin :
Ya ya, I still have Jirou if I want :P

97- Atobe- "Uh huh, yeah yeah. Well, I'll see you...Ah? You're already the manager here."
Yep! So listen to me!

98- Atobe- "I won't let you complain, got it?"

99- Sakaki- "You may go!"

100- Before you go...Any final comments after finishing this?
Cute but long.Interesting one.


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