
Jan 05, 2007 20:48

I've got a surprise spelling on the 1st day of school. Teacher said it's based off a 'mock' report from Cambridge on the common mistakes in spelling that we singaporeans high school student had made.

We were worried at 1st but went ''wwhhhhhat?'' when the 1st word came out to be toilet, I bet it was misspelt as toliet (cause I did that when I was much younger xD)

Actually, those were quite easy and only one in the whole class got 40 and a lot of us get funny marks.

And it is to confuse not confused xD

Ho ho I will then take this chance to throw in a new 'kaki I did yesterday.

Yes, all my oekaki are by mouse cause I don't have a tablet I like it lol~ I think it work fine :/ Is tabby that good? 
Ignore me xD This is Yukina from Yu Yu Hakusho btw.


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