Monsters Wear Miniskirts 5

Jan 14, 2008 22:22

Title: Monsters Wear Miniskirts [5/?]
Author: ohvick
Pairing: none.
Rating: R
POV: third
Summary: Frank gets kidnapped by two obsessed fans and finds out just how fucking scary teenagers can be.
Disclaimer: IM SICK. I LIE. i own Vicky and Lisa.
Author Notes: HA!! we arent really like that fyi. inspired by the movie Hard Candy.
Warnings: death, bit of gore, bad words, stupid girls
Dedications: mcrgirl729. i thank you for your services.

Chaptuh 1| 2| 3| 4

Frank could do nothing but stare in a state of shock when the girl pulled back. “Uhhhh…” His brain couldn’t commute. Not now. And especially when she started attacking his neck with sloppy, wet kisses, continuing to spew out random proclamations of love and mushy mush that made Frank’s hair stand on end.

Then his thoughts all of a sudden scrambled to the one horrible thought that made him shudder with disgust. This teenager was going to…rape him. He gulped and again, fumbled with his words, careful not to be too mean, in fear of all the things this kid was planning on doing to him, or force upon him.

“Don’t do this, please,” He looked down awkwardly to where she was busy continuing the trail down the column of his neck, to fleshy muscle, to his tattooed chest. “Please, just stop for a second…”

She didn’t, just made an attentive, “Mmh?” sound.

“I- You can’t do this. It’s not right.”

“Psh, like I care?”

“Just think for a minute. You can’t do this. I can’t do this.”


“I have a fiancé.”

“For how many years now? And you still haven’t married her?”

“Look, I know that- but. Someday you’re going to find someone very special and you’re going to wish you hadn’t have done this.”

“I’ve already found that special someone.” She kissed his little nosey. Ick.

“Nonono, you don’t want me! Come on, I’m old. And…wrinkly. And I smell really fucking bad all the time.”

“You’re so cute!” She lunged for his lips again, but missed when he turned his cheek. She settled in the crook of his neck and breathed all over his ear. “Still, she can’t really be your special someone if you haven’t even decided to get married yet.” She traced Jamia’s name on his chest, right above his left nipple.

“She is, and I know it! It doesn’t change anything if we’re married or not.”

“She’s fat.”


“She’s so fat. And, looks like trash and ew. I don’t know how you ended up with her. There must not have been many hot chicks in Jersey.” She laughed.


“I know, right?” Vicky got up, crossed the room to retrieve a black messenger bag. One the floor lay a pack of Frank’s cigarettes. She found there were four left and decided she would have some fun with them.

She stuffed the carton in his (well, her’s now) shirt pocket. She returned at his side and rummaged through the bag until she pulled out a Sidekick. Frank’s Sidekick.

“Hmm…let’s see…” She gasped, “13 messages, oh my! Guess we’ll just have to fix that, right?” They turned their heads toward the door when Lisa entered with handfuls of mini snacks and sodas. “THANK YOU!!”

Lisa dumped the load of sweets and utter junk in the space between Frank’s legs and took her place on the other side of him. “Whatcha doing?”



The messages were from Frank’s crew and bandmates, all basically asking the general question: Where the hell are you?

Vicky went to replying to each person, saying things like: Just meeting up with a few old friends. Don’t worry, k? Or something like that.

Then she came across a message from ‘MIA<3’: Hey dude, call me asap., which she replied with a simple: FUCK YOU.

“Ohmygod, Vick, that’s so mean!”

She chuckled to herself and showed Frank the sent message. “You're a monster.”

That only made her smile, “Just like you?”

“Fuck you. Both of you. I see you guys really don’t care about anything other than what you want and what you can take. Even if it means screwing up other people’s lives.”

Lisa was near tears, “No, we love you so much! We don’t want to hurt you! Not at all. Please Frankie, stay with us.”

“Oh. Shut. Up. Gosh, Lisa you’re so fucking weak sometimes. Can’t you see he’s trying to get us in trouble!” She grabbed two bottles of Sprite, handed one to Lisa, took a sip from her own, and said, “Little bastard. I told you, nothing you can say will set you free. You’re my prisoner now, and I can do whatever I want with you.”

Frank’s looked up at her disbelievingly before turning to Lisa, who held the same expression as him.

She mouthed, “Sorry, Frankie."

i hate writing sexy time with Frank.
cause, yeah i love him, but weird? i had to constantly smack myself and be like, ewewew.
oh and sorry for the Jamia bashing. i really think she's gorgeous and some form of perfect.

monsters wear miniskirts, fanfic

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