Monsters Wear Miniskirts 4

Jan 08, 2008 01:58

Title: Monsters Wear Miniskirts [4/?]
Author: ohvick
Pairing: none.
Rating: R
POV: third
Summary: Frank gets kidnapped by two obsessed fans and finds out just how fucking scary teenagers can be.
Disclaimer: IM SICK. I LIE. i own Vicky and Lisa.
Author Notes: HA!! we arent really like that fyi. inspired by the movie Hard Candy.
Warnings: death, bit of gore, bad words, stupid girls
Dedications: mcrgirl729. i thank you for your services.

Chaptuh 1| 2| 3

When did Frank fully realize the gravity of the situation here? That he'd somehow managed to get in very big trouble. That these two seemingly innocent girls weren’t going to let him off as easily as he thought.

Was it when he’d woken up half-drugged in a strangers car? Or was it when the mean one told him to stop crying out for help and stuffed his mouth with a balled up t-shirt? Either way he was definitely screwed, spread out on the dirty mattress, limbs tied to the bedposts with shredded sheets. He’d worn himself out from all the thrashing, scratching, screaming his lungs out through the gag. He just laid there, taking deep shaky breaths through his nostrils. Heartbeat still banging against the rise and fall of his chest.

“Shhh, shh Frankie.” Vicky cooed in a way she thought would be reassuring to Frank. And if it wasn’t, what-the fuck-ever, at least she tried to be nice. “Oh don’t look at me that way baby,” She resumed her position of curling up to the right of him, being as greedy as she wanted because Frank Iero was right there, in her control. And it was all or nothing at this point. “It saddens me that you’re not having as much fun as I am. But that could change.” She grinned in a way that made his insides convulse with what exactly she meant by that.

His words were too muffled by the gag. “I’m sorry, what was that?” She removed it, giving him time to relax his jaw muscles.

“Why are you doing this to me?” His voice was high and raw. “I’m sure that if you could just let me go, you guys can come with me so we can hang with everybody, yeah?”

“Yeah? I don’t think so. Besides, you might just tell before you even get to know me. I’m sorry, but I just can’t risk that.”

“Please, I’m begging you, before we both get in trouble, I swear to God I won’t tell anyone a thing. None of this gets out, I promise.” He meant it, so much more than anything right then. “And you’re kinda starting to scare me.”

“Oh baby, there’s nothing to be scared of.” And with that, she stuffed his mouth with the gag again and tied it around his head to keep it in place.

He shook his head frantically, screaming through the cloth, begging with his eyes.

“I did this for us, Frank.” She stilled him and kissed his forehead. “I-” Her gaze shifted to the other bed, where Lisa sat watching them. She’d been so quiet it was easy to forget she was actually there. “Um, Lisa, do me a favor?”


“Get us some snackage, yeah?”

“Didn’t we just eat?”

“Pleeeease? I got the fucking munchies. There’s like, vending machines outside.”

“Um, okay, what do you want?”

“A LOT. Like, one of everything. But not the nasty ones. And Sprite. Thanks, love you babay.”

Frank heard the door shut and had the vague notion of the one named Lisa running for help for him. Then Vicky was straddling his stomach and all hope was thrown out the window. She cupped his cheeks with both hands and forced him to look at her, not the yellow stained popcorn ceiling.

“Frank.” She said in all seriousness. No smiles, no grins with multiple meanings. Just pure feelings straight from a teenage heart. “I’m in love with you.”

When Frank didn’t say anything- of course he couldn’t, he was gagged- she continued. “I love you, Frank. Now, I know what you’re thinking. Just another stupid fangirl you see everyday huh? But no, I’m not like them, not at all.” She began to comb through his hair with one hand, smoothing out the loose strands.

“Those other girls- they just care about how hot you are or the fact that you’re in My Chemical Romance. But that’s not why I love you. I love you because you play right into my heart. I feel you, every note you play and every scream of rage… and romance. You’re perfect, absolutely perfect, in everyway that you are, in everything that you do.”
“This world,” She sighed, laid her cheek against his chest, her ear against his heart and ran her fingers along his sides, “it’s so full of shit. But you make it worth living for me. Frank, you- you saved my life. Oh God, I love you so much.” Tighter she hugged him.

Frank softened. She was just some confused kid after all, needing something to hold on to. She must have had to deal with so much bad in life. Who was he to judge when he hardly knew her? He nudged her head with his nose and she sat up, a little teary eyed, got the signal, and released the gag.

He opened his mouth to say something sympathetic, with hopes of being released completely, but was cut off when her lips crashed down onto his.

monsters wear miniskirts, fanfic

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