May 23, 2005 02:20
fuck me for caring. fuck me for believing. fuck me for having my guard up. fuck me for letting it down. fuck flashbacks. fuck cheap sex. fuck my stomach ache. fuck me for breaking my phone against my windshield. fuck me for breaking radar detector against the passenger side window. fuck me for being an addict. of everything. fuck the mark on my neck. fuck me for not knowing how it got there. fuck flashbacks. fuck flashbacks. fuck reminiscing. fuck wanting something normal. fuck me for forgetting what you did before. fuck me for not expecting it again. fuck me for being another one of those girls you just can't shake. fuck flashbacks. fuck my car. fuck my car for having an oil leak. fuck me for only having you to turn to for help with it. fuck washing my hair. fuck washing my hair for you. fuck me for letting my fucking guard down. fuck my guard. fuck this stomach ache. fuck this painful reminder that started right then. fuck me for not knowing how to fix this pain. fuck wanting something good for myself. fuck me for thinking you were it. fuck nine months. fuck hysteria. fuck me for looking like a trainwreck when i cry. fuck me for crying. fuck me for crying over you. fuck me for remembering i'm sounding just like you right now. fuck me for trying. fuck you for not liking kids. fuck making me use two hands to count. fuck this stomach ache. fuck me for not being able to control myself. fuck me for not being able to trust myself. fuck me for hoping. fuck me for thinking. fuck me for trying. fuck not knowing. fuck lack of responses. fuck me for thinking you already knew. fuck me for telling you when you didn't know. fuck your reaction. fuck the makeup all over my face. fuck my inability to be alone. fuck my inability to sleep. fuck angel kisses. yes. fuck angel kisses. fuck bb king. fuck being lifted on your shoulders. fuck first impressions. fuck illusions of trustworthiness. fuck me for trusting. fuck wasting gas. fuck wasting gas on you. fuck my comparisons. fuck my inability to deny the likenesses. fuck dressel's. fuck crab cakes with the sauce on the side. fuck flashbacks. fuck coke and san gria. fuck denny's. fuck smiling. fuck laughing. fuck thinking everything's going to be alright now. fuck thinking you were going to be the one to make it better. fuck me for still trying to understand. fuck me for ignoring everyone else. fuck me for comparing everyone else to you. fuck you for weighing up so much better than everyone else. fuck this ache. fuck emotions. fuck my inability to control my emotions. most of all. fuck this.
fuck. flashbacks.