Pretend I thought of a good, catchy subject line.

Sep 15, 2009 13:09

I'm not getting any less sick. o_o I'm getting... differently-sick, I suppose, in that the symptoms change, but wellness isn't happening. I'm so confused. (And I must apologize--parenthetically, because it has nothing to do with anything else--for my abuse of emoticons. They're just so handy and cute.)

Nor is school getting any less school-like, but that is something I think I'm prepared to tackle. Metaphorically. Although it would be funny to do some actual, physical tackling.

Kittens! The three new fosters (we're now up to a grand total of nine, mind--the three girls from the previous foster litter, Daizy, Momo, Piper, and the three new girls) are interesting little kittens. They're... broken. Very young, very afraid of people, very prone to hissing and clawing. As a rule, young kittens, even if they're feral, warm up to humans pretty quickly, but these have proven to be an exception. I think we're starting to break the ice, though. I sat out on the porch with them for a little over an hour yesterday, which seemed to do something. Lucyfur went so far as to climb on my leg, and I sneaked a pet a couple of times when Amelia (aka The Ugly Kitten) and Marbles went by. They're still timid, and they hiss and puff up when any of the other animals come on the scene. Daizy isn't the least bit impressed. As the Alpha, she takes it upon herself to keep all of her underlings well-groomed, which... you know. It's hard when your underlings are hissing at you.

I'll be getting pictures, really. <3 They're so small and cute, even if they're angry and a little broken. I do have some faith that they'll be okay with some time and patience. My brother doesn't call me The Cat Whisperer for nothing.

Oh... what else? Ponies. I haven't done much with 'em, but I only owe one person a custom. Shipping has been slow due to plague, but hopefully everyone will understand. No need to risk sending a virus along with plastic ponies. It's amazing, really, how much energy it takes to package the suckers up, or even customize.

Or even roleplay, which I've been doing plenty of, regardless.

I'm having a lovely time playing Penny, now that she seems to have found a niche and an ability to make friends with a broader range of people. The whole prison bit was rather hard, but I think it was good for her. She wasn't actually in prison, of course, but there was much fretting and consoling going on. Still logging out the aftermath of some of that. It really put the world in perspective, though. Between that ordeal and her chats with Sorrow and Keats, I think she's come to terms with being dead.

Not that she's gotten around to telling Billy or Hammer. Unless one of them finds out on his own or a curse results in a confession, she'll be mum on the topic. Being dead isn't her problem, she just doesn't want to have to go into how it happened with either of them.

I'm glad I stuck with Penny. Really. It's so easy to make friends with her, and I feel like (I may be deluding myself here) she's becoming more multidimensional. Some of that multidimensional-ness is inevitably hidden behind the eternal optimist front, but I hope it comes through enough without being overwhelming. She has issues, but they're not ones that require too much working out. If she could toughen up a little and confront the various parties involved in her love life...

Justin is at a bit of a standstill right now, mostly for the sake of playing out the prison break to the end. Usually it's easy enough to tell beforehand how a situation will impact a character, but Justin's state of mind is unstable enough that I don't want to jump to any premature conclusions. He has definitely come to the conclusion that he has done more than enough penance for the murder, which will help with that emo-kid-guilt thing. Any guilt and conflict left over from his relationship with Richard is still out and about, but all in its time. It's very odd, having such an unstable character in a relatively stable position. He has a job, something resembling a family, some friends, a giiirlfriend... a cat...

Much too normal. Maybe a little bit of normal is good for him.

I've also really, really wanted to pick Blind Mag up. I don't know why. Of all of the characters I want to roleplay, she has, perhaps, the least amount of possible material to work with. Repo! wraps up her story so well... there's not much else to tell. I think it could be fun to play someone so utterly together and dignified somewhere like Poly, where chaos abounds. The thought of putting Mag in normal situations also amuses me. Mag is awesome, but her life was so bizarre and isolated that her ability to interact with people is... kind of impaired.

Any of the Largo siblings would be a blast, too, but just for cracky purposes. With Pavi or Luigi, though, you'd almost need both to make it work.

Not that I have time to roleplay. I should be... doing more work, or resting, or even doing creative things. I have a new opportunity to sell artwork via the animal rescue organization my mom and I help with, so I should get to work on some cat-related art. I've always wanted to make art that was worthy of selling, even if my sense of what's worthy appears to be skewed. That the profit would go towards kitties is all the better.

Motivation, though. It's not there.

I'm not entirely sure how regular I'll be as far as tagging goes this week. I'll hop online between classes, of course, but I'm not sure if I should devote large blocks of time to roleplaying when I could be using those chunks for homework, rest, or something creative and/or profitable. Rest should be the primary concern, I suppose. And kitten-taming. Much like lion-taming, only cuter.

Gah. So tired. Not in a sleeping way, just in a... curl-up-and-stop-existing way. Only one more class to go.

Next post: Kitten pictures. They will kill you with their cute.

justin, penny, poly, college, profoundly tired, mag, roleplaying, kittens

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