Bring out your dead!

Sep 10, 2009 00:46

That scene from Monty Python and the Holy Grail refuses to leave my head.  That's okay, though.  I kind of like it there.

BREAKING NEWS.  (But doesn't every journal update kind of have that feel?  Let me be dramatic like the people on Channel Three, who think everything is dramatic and should be delivered to the public with many inappropriate capital letters and exclamation points.)  I'm sick!

Yeah, okay.  Sick,  Whoo.  I'm always complaining about sick with one thing or another, but this is out of the ordinary.  H1N1?  Not saying I have it, but I definitely have either a really bad cold or some strain of influenza, and H1N1 is the big rock star of the viral world right now.  Symptoms of the H1N1 strain?  Fever, cough, sore throat, runny or stuffy nose, body aches, headache, chills and fatigue.  Body aches, fatigue, and headaches are pretty typical (psychosomatic depression-related blah), and a sore throat and runny nose can always be attributed to lovely allergies, but chills and fevers aren't the norm.  I don't usually run fevers.

Actually, my temperature hasn't reached Official Fever Status (100.4 according to the H1N1 guide sent by the school), but 99.6 is a good two degrees higher than my usual.  I'm not sure if that means I can miss school on this semester's "don't come to school with a fever 'cause we don't all want to die" policy, or if, because it's a lower-grade fever, I'm expected to attend.  I think I'll err on the side of caution.  Three people have died from confirmed cases of H1N1 in the state, and walking around plagued would be rude.

I hate the flu in all of its forms.  It's been a couple years since I've last had it since my former doctor had me on Tamiflu throughout the flu season and my family takes many, many precautions.  I'm apparently in the High Risk of Complications category because of asthma, and I can't get a vaccine for the flu due to egg allergies.  The last two times I've had any kind of flu-like bug, it developed into bronchitis.  My new doctor doesn't seem to understand my lack of a desire to have bronchitis and won't give me Tamiflu unless I develop "severe symptoms."  I mean, I understand.  With so many people getting sick, I'm sure Tamiflu is in high demand.  I don't want it if someone needs it more, but I kind of think I could use it.  I'm not keen on--well.  I might not mind dying as an idea, but I don't want to get taken out by a virus.  If I'm going to die, it's going to be on my own terms, dammit.


Nebraska's at a point now where, unless symptoms are exceptionally severe, anyone who experiences the symptoms of the H1N1 virus should stay home and avoid going to the doctor.  Let it run its course, save the Tamiflu for the severe cases.  I'm not sure what constitutes a severe case, really, but if I start wheezing and hacking up internal organs, I will insist on a Tamiflu perscription.

Fortunately, while H1N1 is a relatively virulent strain, it's been mild for the most part (except, y'know... when it kills people).  Self-treatment will do.  Rest, fluids, limited contact with others, treat the symptoms.  I did a lot of that resting thing this afternoon... slept from six to ten.  Which doesn't justify me staying up until one to type an entry for Justin and rambling about illness here, but... shh.

Sorry that was a boring entry, but the whole plague thing worries me.  While you're out and about, wash your hands as often as you can.  Try to steer away from anyone who's sniffling or hacking.  Invest in some antibaterial hand sanitizer.  I highly recommend the kind with alcohol in it, since that's a little more friendly to the germs that you want in your body than the germicides (and germicides are likely increasing the resistance of harmful germs to their effects, but that's paranoia for a different entry).  It comes in apple-scented, which is very nice.

Er.  If I vanish from the face of the internet, don't worry.  Godmode anyone at Poly as needed.  Illness is usually no hindrance to online activity, but just in case!

Stay healthy.  This is a command. <3

public service announcement, fyi, real life, flist, plague!

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