[SPN] Measure My Life in Coffee Cups, Deleted Scene IV (Gen, PG-13)

Jul 11, 2015 18:00

Title: Measure My Life in Coffee Cups, Final Deleted Scene
Rating: T for language
Word Count: 7765
Warnings/Spoilers:  Very vague spoilers for seasons 9&10, and please heed the fact that I am following AO3s example and choosing NOT to warn in this one, as it would completely ruin the creative aspect of the entire story.  Takes place at an undetermined time into the future, long after whatever S11 holds. Series end-fic, basically - heed the tags and proceed at your own risk, but anyone who knows me knows that I cannot stand traumatic stories; so I hope you can trust me with your heartstrings, and know that in the end, I do demand the obligatory happy ending.

A/N: Fourth and final deleted scene from the above fic, really more a standalone story as it was supposed to revolve around the coffee pot and then took off in a direction I didn't expect, evolving from there.

(original fic) Part One  | Part Two  | Part Three | Deleted Scene One | Deleted Scene Two & Three | NEW: Deleted Scene Four

!spoiler policy, crying, undisclosed, !recs, repressed memories, broken bones/fractures, » fic, .genre » gen, death

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